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Octo not recognised on cold boot, but appears after restart

Montag, 28. August 2023, 08:57

Octo isn't recognised by the computer on a cold boot when the PC is switched on for the first time. The fans just stay on maximum and the Octo isn't recognized in Aquasuite (v.72). However, when I reboot, it will all work fine. This happens every time but has only just started to happen recently after several months of normal operation. Any ideas why this would be happening?

Montag, 28. August 2023, 09:22

sounds like an issue with your Mainboard/Chipset drivers or Bios.

Montag, 28. August 2023, 15:06

Based on your reply I did some research and found that the recent bios update (1602) for Asus x670E motherboards can cause USB problems. When the bios "USB power delivery in Soft Off state (S5)" is set to "off", this can result in some USB ports not working in Windows 11.

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