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Ultitube Pressure Equalisation Membrane - Does it stop you pressure testing?

Freitag, 15. September 2023, 14:02

Hi All,

I'm finally getting round to building a loop that I started 2 years ago! I bought a "ULTITUBE D5 150 PRO reservoir with D5 NEXT pump" and have been playing around with some potential loop design.

As it's my first time doing this, I thought I'd stop and check the first line I put in, which goes from a radiator to the inlet on the Ultitube.

So I put a plug into the outlet of the ultitube and attached a pressure testing pump to the radiator and it failed completely. All I got was a weird hissing / puffing noise.

I started testing sections of the loop and eventually tried just the Ultitube by iteslf and found the same hissing / puffing noise. Then I remembered the pressure equalisation membrance in the lid of the reservior and now I'm wondering if that is the problem?

Will it stop me pressure testnig the loop? Is there a way around it?

Thanks! Mike

Freitag, 15. September 2023, 14:38

Nevermind, I found my answer with the search tool! From another poster:

Thank you for contacting us! If your Ultitube came with a pre-installed D5 NEXT pump,
it must be the "PRO" version of the Ultitube. All PRO version
Ultitubes come with a pressure equalization membrane installed in the top lid
of the reservoir, so will not hold pressure by design.

If you want to pressure check your loop including the reservoir, you can try to
put some plastic foil between glass tube and lid of the reservoir or use this
lid without membrane: https://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_inf…roducts_id=3865

Freitag, 15. September 2023, 18:51

If you want to pressure check your loop including the reservoir, you can try to
put some plastic foil between glass tube and lid of the reservoir or use this
lid without membrane: https://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_inf…roducts_id=3865
The link does not work.

Freitag, 15. September 2023, 23:16

True. I just hit copy and paste from someone else’s post. The lid is available on the website, but not with delivery to the UK. Another website has them so that may be an option. I’d rather the kid without the membrane be provided with the reservoir as pressure testing is something I’d like to be able to do.

Freitag, 15. September 2023, 23:18

Montag, 18. September 2023, 17:44

It's always been an issue of mine for the odd time when I need to tip my case/tube and how to I not saturate the pressure membrane on the pro lid / leakshield. Putting a layer of Saran Wrap under the lid and screwing it on sounds like a good pro tip for temporary measure. I'd rather have a non-pressure lid to use, but it's expensive to ship it here to Canada just for that.

Sonntag, 24. September 2023, 09:59

It's always been an issue of mine for the odd time when I need to tip my case/tube and how to I not saturate the pressure membrane on the pro lid / leakshield. Putting a layer of Saran Wrap under the lid and screwing it on sounds like a good pro tip for temporary measure. I'd rather have a non-pressure lid to use, but it's expensive to ship it here to Canada just for that.

For those in North America you can get the AC Ultitube top without the membrane at PerformancePCS. Here's the link:


Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2023, 00:59

As an update, I bought the lid without the membrane from a UK store. Worked well for pressure testing and I’ve just kept it on now the system is up and running