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failure mode for leakshield with Ultitube D50

Mittwoch, 20. September 2023, 09:08

I just assembled a pc with the Quadro, D50 110ml res, and Leakshield. I realize the D50 isn't supported but nothing else would fit in this SFF PC. What are the likely failure modes? leak false positives? Fill feature failure? Currently the res is mostly empty, like 2mm above the acetal/glass boundary. I may desire to add another 20-30ml, reducing air to 70-80ml. It is throwing alarms a bit but I have yet to see a leak. But with 43 fittings, I'm not counting a leak out. Yes I checked for leaks depressurized. Would a high flow next help Leakshield dial in false alarms by compensating better for flowrate changes /heat expansion? currently flow rate is tied to CPU temps.

Also it reports 127ml air volume, but res is only 110ml. Is there 40ml of bubbles lurking in a radiator or is it just not that accurate.
PS, first time doing a full custom loop, and using aquasuite. This software is pretty amazing.

Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023, 06:55

I guess I'll reply to myself then ... for those interested, the fill measurement seems to be wonky and highly inaccurate, but that may not be related. Fill feature is useless, but easy work around is to just use a low pressure test instead of fill feature and siphon coolant in short bursts. What is certainly related is if you have a leak AND your pump speed is too low to flush out bubbles leaking into the loop AND you loop is somewhat complicated (like mine) then the air trapped on your GPU block, etc will not make it to the Res and the coolant level in Res will rise until it hits the membrane at which point the vacuum fails and your loop will start leaking. The more air buffer you have and the faster the flow, the less this is a problem. Mine never leaked but it did nearly hit the membrane with a bad seal. It's air tight now with about 80-90ml of buffer and working great, but I do wonder about worse case scenario down the road. Needless to say, I think the mobo shutdown header cable is a good idea. Still better than nothing.

Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023, 19:58

I was not aware that the D50 reservoir is not supported by the LKS but since the LKS FAQ says there should be at least 100ml of air volume, this makes sense. I have an Ultitube D150 Pro Leakshield. I have not tried the Fill feature. Some say it works great, others report less positive results. I suspect it may depend on the loop. I have found the fill level calcs to be quite accurate. Rotary fittings are often not air tight so if some of your 43 fittings are rotaries, I am not surprised that you are getting alarms.

Why do you have pump speed (and flow rate) tied to CPU temps? The general consensus is that flow rate (outside of extremes) does not have much, if any effect on temps. Many people just find the minimum pump speed at which temps are maintained and leave it there. Some tie pump speed to coolant temp, which is not necessary but I guess OK. CPU temps jump all over the place and having your pump speed try to chase those fluctuations is probably not a good idea. It's hard on the pump and probably not improving heat transfer efficiency.

Suggestion - Try setting your pump at 100% and let temps stabilize. Then start lowering the pump speed. At some point (usually around 30 L/hr) temps will start to increase. Raise the pump speed 5% to 10% and leave it there.

Mittwoch, 20. März 2024, 05:31

Why do you have pump speed (and flow rate) tied to CPU temps?
yeah late necro post, never saw reply.. still ironing out bugs in this loop still though. CPU temps thing was a typo I think. Turns out I was using 10mm female couplings and a male fitting on one side was slightly over 5mm threads so even tight it wasn't sealing 100%. It is better now with longer couplings, but not perfect. I'm losing up to 0.2-0.4mbar/min @ 200mbar, however fluid level in res isn't rising like before, so I'm hoping the res topseal just needs to be wetted and re-torqued.