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Target Temperature - Can't get it to work

Sunday, October 8th 2023, 12:47pm

Hi all,

I have a D5 Next Utilitube combo and have got it set up so that the fan output of the D5 Next goes to a 10 way powered fan splitter for 10 x case fans.

This works perfectly on curve controller and power preset modes, but when I try to use target temperature and set the target temp to eg 35C, then the output goes to 0% and the fans spin up to 100% output.

If I set the target temp to around 1C lower than the water temperature, then it reduces the fan speeds a lot and sets the output % properly (although I think too low?).

Then if I set the target temp as lower than the current water temperature, then it sets the output higher and higher; which is correct I guess.

I should be able to set the target temp to 35C and it should set the fan speed low to start with and then increase output as the temp goes up right?

i have "Use start boost" turned off, minimum power set to 10%, "hold minimum power" turned off and fallback power at 100%, but nothing I do those settings changes anything.

What am I doing wrong?! Any help would be appreciated!


Senior Member

Sunday, October 8th 2023, 4:33pm

It seems you're trying to do a Curve controller style of behaviour with the target temperature one.

Target temperature will try to maintain the water at the setpoint you want. if your water is colder, it will let it warm up to reach the target temperature, and keep it there no matter what the load is.

It will try not to let the water temperature get colder, nor hotter, but maintain it at the temperature you have set.

Sunday, October 8th 2023, 5:02pm

I’ve set my target temperature to 35C when the water temp is approx. 25C, so the fans should be minimal? Instead they are going up to 100% which isn’t right, I just don’t know why that’s happening.


Senior Member

Sunday, October 8th 2023, 7:52pm

That depends on your fans. some fans will default to 100% speed if they receive no PWM signal, while some others will just stop.
Also on your graph, the voltage and PWM are set to 0 and the fans are at full speed. Are they on a powered PWM hub?

Sunday, October 8th 2023, 8:43pm

Yes they run off a powered PWM hub. So maybe the pump is sending out too low / no PWM signal?

But then I have the minimum set to 10% so that shouldn’t be happening either?

Sunday, October 8th 2023, 9:16pm

OK I think I sorted it by turning "Hold minimum power" on. I thought I had tried that before, but now it's working as expected.

Thanks for the help!

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