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OCTO alarm: 2 ways to do it with or without the 53216 cable

Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023, 11:14

I come back to you with a remark concerning the 53216 cable:

I have an OCTO and I plugged the 53216 into the signal port, everything works fine, I tested and the computer shuts down in the second the alarm goes off. Great !

However using the "Outputs" I can do the same thing (and even better with variations and conditions) without needing to use the 53216 cable!

Did I miss something?
What's the point of this cable if I can do the same thing without it?

Thanks for your help ;)

Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023, 18:09

The point is the Alarm cable will still work even if Aquasuite and/or Windows is locked up, crashed, or not running. What your screen shots show require that Windows, Aquasuite, and the Aquasuite service are all up and running. The Alarm cable connection is therefore more reliable, and since the purpose is to shut down in an emergency situation, reliability is a good thing. Some people use an Octo in a Linux system that can't run Aquasuite. The alarm cable is also useful in this situation.

Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023, 18:57

The point is the Alarm cable will still work even if Aquasuite and/or Windows is locked up, crashed, or not running. What your screen shots show require that Windows, Aquasuite, and the Aquasuite service are all up and running. The Alarm cable connection is therefore more reliable, and since the purpose is to shut down in an emergency situation, reliability is a good thing. Some people use an Octo in a Linux system that can't run Aquasuite. The alarm cable is also useful in this situation.
I understand better, thank you
After checking, I can confirm that if Aquasuite is closed, it works ^^ but if Aquasuite is closed and Windows is locked, it doesn't !

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »wibeweb« (27. Oktober 2023, 19:06)


Senior Member

Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023, 19:11

well it's managed by the aquasuite service, not by the app, so you can close it. same for virtual sensors, lighting etc

Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023, 21:46

You are both correct. Aquasuite does not need to be running, but the Aquasuite service and Windows do need to be running. Apologies for the confusion.