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D5 NEXT RGBpx LED Ring - What Am I doing Wrong?

Mittwoch, 1. November 2023, 23:19

I've got a D5 NEXT with a cable connecting its controller port to the LED Ring on my ULTITUBE.
When the controller port is powered in RGBpx mode, only some of the LED lights come on. The majority of the enabled LEDs are stuck at full brightness on what appears to be a white color setting. The last illuminated LED in the strip is a yellow color. Any attempt to control the ring's LEDs in Aquasuite does nothing. Only the pump's integrated LEDs respond at all, and those exhibit no faults.

What am I doing wrong? ?(

Donnerstag, 2. November 2023, 05:35


be sure that the controller port is configured as "RGBpx LED" in the System Tab.

Could you provide a screenshot of th RGBpx Tab?

Donnerstag, 2. November 2023, 09:38

be sure that the controller port is configured as "RGBpx LED" in the System Tab.

Could you provide a screenshot of th RGBpx Tab?
This is the current configuration in Aquasuite:

Donnerstag, 2. November 2023, 10:26

mmh - looks good.
I don´t if it´s even possible, but maybe you mismatch the In and Out Connector of the individual LED-Strip?

Freitag, 3. November 2023, 02:22

maybe you mismatch the In and Out Connector of the individual LED-Strip?

Freitag, 3. November 2023, 05:44

last tip - connect the LED strip to your High Flow Next.
Same behaviour?

Samstag, 4. November 2023, 07:05

last tip - connect the LED strip to your High Flow Next.
Same behaviour?

Before that, what's the idea here? Do you think it's the controller, the cable, or the strip?
I ask because it's currently very difficult to unplug things from the D5 NEXT due to how it's currently mounted.

Samstag, 4. November 2023, 09:17

- same behaviour = 99% chance of a faulty Cable or Strip
- right behaviour = 99% chance of a faulty Controller (D5 NEXT)

there are two more things you can try before changing to the High Flow Next:
- reduce the numbers of the active LEDs in the Strip Tap from 90 to e.g. 10 by sliding the "LED controller 1 bar" to the left. This high number (90) effects normally only the behaviour of the applied effects, but why not give it a try...
- reset the D5 to factory defaults in the System Tab (don´t forget to export the settings first)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Peter von Frosta« (4. November 2023, 09:52)

Sonntag, 5. November 2023, 02:24

- reduce the numbers of the active LEDs in the Strip Tap from 90 to e.g. 10 by sliding the "LED controller 1 bar" to the left. This high number (90) effects normally only the behaviour of the applied effects, but why not give it a try...
- reset the D5 to factory defaults in the System Tab (don´t forget to export the settings first)

I reset the D5 NEXT to factory defaults. When I loaded the profile I noticed some odd behaviors:

Changing the colors or number of illuminated LEDs doesn't appear to make any changes at all, unless you switch the aquabus header from "RGBpx LED" to another setting ( like "bus address 30" in this instance ) and then back to "RGBpx LED." When this switch takes place, the LED strip appears to very briefly acquire some active LED count information from the RGBpx controller. Thought it's certainly not the right amount. I don't think I was able to get any new LEDs illuminated, but I could turn some of them off by having them configured to lower counts before performing the switch. Notably I can get the colors to change from what was initially describes to what appears to be just a lone illuminated LED in a yellow or green color just by altering the number of illuminated LEDs and cycling the bus settings again.
Does this tell us anything useful?

Sonntag, 5. November 2023, 06:29


Does this tell us anything useful?
... not for me.

If its not possible for you to try the LED-Ring with the High Flow Next, then buy a new RGBpx Strip (if you don´t have one available) and connect it to the D5 Next.
Personally, I would buy the Ultitube LED Ring straight away, as I think yours is defective.

Sonntag, 5. November 2023, 23:33

To me it sounds like either the Ultitube LED Ring is defective or the RGBpx port on the D5 Next is defective. As Peter von Frosta recommended, you need to try connecting the Ultitube LED ring to the RGBpx port on your High Flow Next or get another Ultitube LED Ring (or any other RGBpx LED strip) and try connecting it to the D5 Next RGBpx port. I understand that the D5 Next is already installed so it's difficult to get to the RGBpx port but I don’t see any other way to figure out whether it’s the LED ring or the RGBpx port. My D5 Next has the #34111 bracket attached and I learned the hard way that it’s damn near impossible to get to the headers after the bracket is installed.

The RGBpx cable that comes with the D5 Next/Ultitube combo is 50cm (19.7”) long. If the High Flow Next is close enough, you may be able to reach in with a needle-nose plier and gently pull the RGBpx cable out of the D5 Next RGBpx port and plug it into the High Flow Next RGBpx port. If the LED Ring works there, the D5 Next RGBpx port is the problem. If it does the same thing when plugged into the High Flow Next RGBpx port, the LED ring is the problem. If the D5 Next RGBpx port is the problem and a Factory Reset does not fix it, you will have to decide if that RGBpx port is worth the effort to remove the pump and return it for repair or replacement.

Dienstag, 7. November 2023, 02:20

If the LED Ring works there, the D5 Next RGBpx port is the problem. If it does the same thing when plugged into the High Flow Next RGBpx port, the LED ring is the problem. If the D5 Next RGBpx port is the problem and a Factory Reset does not fix it, you will have to decide if that RGBpx port is worth the effort to remove the pump and return it for repair or replacement.

I decided to remove the connector from the D5 NEXT. The way I figure it, it doesn't work as-is anyway, so being stuck with it unplugged and not working was no different than having it plugged in and not working. Plugging it into the High Flow NEXT was... enlightening? It's still not working correctly, but the behavior is wildly different now. Everything is illuminated in different colors, and a portion of the LEDs are rapidly changing colors too. Once again there's no functioning RGB control, so that's at least consistent between the two controllers.

I find it somewhat unlikely that both the D5 NEXT & High Flow NEXT have broken RGBpx controllers. So it's probably a bad LED strip? I've never seen one of these things fail this creatively before. I didn't know it was possible.

Dienstag, 7. November 2023, 03:13

It is very strange. On the upside, it is extremely unlikely that the RGBpx ports on the D5 Next and the High Flow Next are both bad. Of the things that could be bad, the LED strip is the least objectionable. Every DRGB LED has a little controller chip and the data is sent from chip to chip down the line. Each RGB LEDs gets 24-bits of data. If one of those is whacked out and corrupting the data stream, all the LEDs downstream could do strange things. I suppose it could be the cable but I think a bad cable would just not work. What you are describing sounds like data corruption to me. If you contact support and send them some pics or a short video of what the LED ring is doing, maybe they will just send you a new one. Can't hurt to ask.