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Junior Member

Ambient Air Temp Question

Dienstag, 21. November 2023, 14:41

I have an air temp sensor on my Aquaero that returns a sensible value (26.7° C). I have plugged other air temp sensors in and they all want to return something about 15° C higher than that (so - they are worthless).

I just noticed that the Aquaero also provides Fan Amplifier 1 thru 4 (I am assuming these are the fan controllers) temps that appear to be ambient (27.6° C to 28.0° C). I have two pumps (1 controller each) and two banks of 3x120mm fans (1 controller each).

Any comments if I average those 4 together and use those as my ambient temps?


Junior Member

Dienstag, 21. November 2023, 14:45

Quick answer - I can't average 4 together. There is only slots on virtual temp sensors for 3 inputs. I averaged 1+2, then 3+4 then the results of the prior. Used 3 (all my remaining virtual temp sensors) for one calculation :(.

Dienstag, 21. November 2023, 17:53

No, I would not average the fan controller temperatures, they return the temperature of the electronics... if using PWM, the will not be excessively hot, but they will be higher than ambient.

If you need more than 3 values averaged, this can be done with the aquasuite > Playground > Virtual Software sensors.

Why not just use the air sensor giving a reasonable value?

Placement of the Ambient Temperature Sensor is important, as radiators radiate. I hang a 90cm 'Stop Sensor' out the back, about a 30cm above the floor. On my current system the ambient sensor was initially located at the front of the radiator, but I found the reported ambient rising as the system load grew.

Hera is a picture of the old location showing the relationship to the radiator, The new sensor cable can be seen going down at the right side below the analog flow meter. (mora.JPG)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 23. November 2023, 23:26

Thx Info. My one working air sensor cable is only about 12cm long ... all the other long ones are returning silly values.

I will take a look at the playground. Well - I will once I can get the Aqua services to run. Playground borked due to my 'no service' issue.

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