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How to save all parameters to the OCTO?

Donnerstag, 30. November 2023, 22:43

So correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that I can save all the curves to the OCTO itself and after initial setup etc I don't even need to start the Aquasuite to make it work?
So I have tried to save device settings into a profile but that doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Why there is no button which would just say: "Save settings to OCTO"? Simple, clear and understandable even if you don't really understands English.
And yeah, I've read the user guide/document. It really didn't answer to any of my questions. The documentation of how to use this software/hardware is not great.

So my main goal would be to use this with Linux too. I have dualboot obviously and I've setup everything just about right in windows but still if I boot to Linux or BIOS, the fans keep yelling @ 100%

And to my surprise all the changes I made last time are now gone. What did I do wrong? How do I actually save things which I've created?

Freitag, 1. Dezember 2023, 04:24

All changes are saved immediately in the Quadro or Octo.
However, if you are working with profiles, you must also save these changes in the corresponding profile before you switch to another profile, otherwise the changes will be lost.

Linux or BIOS

The Aquasuite does not run under Linux or when you are in the BIOS.
The Octo can therefore only regulate the fans according to e.g. temperatures that are available to the Octo without the Aquasuite (e.g. a hard-wired temperature sensor to the Octo).

Are you using a control parameter (under Windows) e.g. from HWInfo or a virtual sensor from the Playground to control the Fans?
This parameter is not available under Linux (and in the BIOS) and the Octo uses the set fallback value that can be defined for each output.
In your case this fallback value is probably set to 100%?

Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2023, 19:19

The Octo can therefore only regulate the fans according to e.g. temperatures that are available to the Octo without the Aquasuite (e.g. a hard-wired temperature sensor to the Octo).

Are you using a control parameter (under Windows) e.g. from HWInfo or a virtual sensor from the Playground to control the Fans?
This parameter is not available under Linux (and in the BIOS) and the Octo uses the set fallback value that can be defined for each output.
In your case this fallback value is probably set to 100%?
Thanks a lot for the info! I thought that it could read the HW info without windows but now I know better.
I've already set the fallback to 50% but for some reason it had been set back to default 100%. Dunno why ?(
Well lets hope that this time the settings will stay. And now I setup everything according to two sensors which I've attached to the OCTO which are coolant temp and ambient case temp (sensor which came with the OCTO)

Freitag, 8. Dezember 2023, 05:27

I've already set the fallback to 50% but for some reason it had been set back to default 100%. Dunno why

Are you working with "Profiles"?
If so, set the fallback to 50% and click on "save" in the corresponding Profile.

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