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Alarm red blinking and noising with D5 Next

Saturday, December 30th 2023, 8:58am

I had the following problem. About 6 months ago (I don't remember the exact time) I replaced the water pump with a new one (the base to the tank cracked on the old one and there was no way to replace it). I decided to get Aquasuite's D5 Next tank combo. The pump was working fine until about a month ago. The problem is that when I start the computer and the system detects that there is no rotation of the pump or Pump speed is too low. Blinks, write different each time between 2-30 seconds. Apparently, at different times, the current also starts, and I don't know what is happening. This happened since my last coolant change, but I don't believe it's because I updated the bios on the bottom the same day. I made all kinds of attempts, put in a new bios, changed the usb ports on the bottom for the controller, the cable to the power supply is independent, i.e. direct, and still the same. I looked around other forums for the same problem, there are similar ones, but not my case. All I have to do is reinstall the computer, but I'm looking for this to be the last option, because I have a lot of things to fix later, including settings for 3D printing programs. A lot of time wasting will take. I have a video of the problem, but I don't know how to upload it.
Edit:I just want to point out that after the alarm that I gave is between 2-30 seconds different every time, the pump starts normally and works normally without any problems.
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Senior Member

Saturday, December 30th 2023, 10:58am

The Alarm of the pump is hardware based, and has nothing to do with Bios / Operating System / USB. Reinstalling the computer will not help.

What coolant are you using?
Drain the coolant, remove the pump from the reservoir and inspect it..
Does the pump wheel spin easily? is the ceramic bearing free of residue?

A bad power supply can also cause the pump to start up late, if the 12V power is not delivered properly.

Edit: Please unplug the USB connection of the pump first, and see if the Alarm goes away.
If it does, maybe disable USB standby power in the Mainboard BIOS.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Hufeisen" (Dec 30th 2023, 11:20am)

Saturday, December 30th 2023, 11:50am

I using EK Cryo.

I already did this. Everythyng work/spin normal.
This morning i disconnected power cable and connect again, i swapped usb cable from the usb1 to usb2 on the mainboard.

And when i turn on after all , is the same.

Only one i can try : to disable from bios usb standby power.
Interesting is before my bios update month ago everything was same and this prbolem never happened .

Saturday, December 30th 2023, 1:34pm

could you provide a screenshot of the alarm settings in aquasuite?
Maybe the min. limit of the flow is set to low when the coolant is cold?
Do you work with different Profiles for the D5 next?

Saturday, December 30th 2023, 7:57pm

could you provide a screenshot of the alarm settings in aquasuite?
Maybe the min. limit of the flow is set to low when the coolant is cold?
Do you work with different Profiles for the D5 next?

The flow is low, but it was like that before. I run it at 5% at 23 degrees and never had a problem actually. It still works like that right now and doesn't give me any problems. The only problem is when I start the computer. then it starts and runs perfectly increasing and decreasing revs and flow relative to fluid degrees

Edit: Now i changed flow to zero and i`ll see if there is some changes.
Result: Same alarm for 3seconds. (last picture)
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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "bobisimeonov" (Dec 30th 2023, 11:25pm)

Sunday, December 31st 2023, 11:04am

perfectly increasing and decreasing revs and flow relative to fluid degrees

You will probably have your reasons for regulating the flow according to the temperature, but the flow rate only makes a very small contribution to the cooling capacity if you set a minimum flow rate of e.g. 60 l/h.
"Normally" you set the pump to a fixed speed at which it makes the least noise.

Could you show us the status page of the pump when the error occurred, including the Modus (see my example)?
d5 next.jpg

Sunday, December 31st 2023, 11:40am

I had a look at how my D5NEXT behaves, the last time I filled it a few months ago I was able to set the pump from 100% to 0% to support the venting without any alarms going off.
Now with the Aquasuite X.77 I can get down to 14% without any problems, at 13% and 2479 rpm the pump shows an alarm and starts flashing.

I don't think this problem is due to the hardware, as there hasn't been a firmware update for the D5NEXT for a while.

Aquacomputer should probably have a look at what is going wrong.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Sunday, December 31st 2023, 3:36pm

I actually fixed it about an hour ago. I simply reinstalled Windows and everything went to sleep, even without specific software settings. I'm still doing some experiments with restarting, sleeping, switching off, but there is no problem. Weird!
Edit: The problem still exist. Even i fit new modular PSU and alarm still turn on at first start oc PC for 5sec. After that everything works perfect. Even after restart works perfect. My opinion is when pc turn on not provide power to sata cables for couples of seconds. after that no probs. This show up after last bios update.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "bobisimeonov" (Jan 9th 2024, 7:52am)

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