• 23.09.2024, 16:33
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RGBpx Fusion, Port Sync, and new Marquee Effect request

Samstag, 3. Februar 2024, 03:39

In May of 2022 use Hossam.sy asked in THIS POST for Aquasuite to have the ability to control LEDs on motherboards and GPUs. The response was:
At our schedule is a new module called "RGBpx fusion" :) I'm sure this will help you once released.
Whatever happened to RGBpx Fusion? Is there still any plan to release this?

In March of 2023, in THIS POST I asked Aquacomputer to consider adding a Marquee effect to their RGBpx effects and again asked if and when RGBpx port sync across multiple devices would be added to Aquasuite. If not all devices with an RGBpx port, at least sync between 2 or more Farbwerk360s.The response was:
If you have suggestions for new effects, please make it in a new topic and describe in detail how it should look like. Possibly also a video with indication from which minute/second the effect is to be seen. New effects will be implemented if, then only for the farbwerk 360/nano. All other devices have only a "basic" RGB implementation. A RGB synchronization is on the RoadMap but without a schedule, sometime it might be implemented. For now there are other and more important projects.
I recently bought an Arduino, connected a string of WS2812B LEDs to it, and tried to figure out the code to get the Marquee effect that I wanted. After several false starts, some overly complex attempts, and some help from ChatGPT, I ended up with a simple nested loop solution that does exactly what I want. Here is the VIDEO of the Marquee effect that Aquacomputer requested, and below is the code that produces it. In this example, all of the LEDs are Blue but changing and adding multiple colors is trivial. Most of this code is for general setup parameters. The actual Marquee effect is 9 lines of code.

Arduino code is a simplified version of C++. I don’t know what language Aquasuite is written in but the concept of a simple nested loop should be easy to implement. The code does rely on the FastLED Library but Aquasuite can already communicate with WS2812B LEDs so I am hoping that adding this effect would be easy to do. Now that I have provided the video showing the Marquee effect and the code that does it, is there any chance this can be added to the RGBpx effects for the Farbwek360 and Nano? Also, is the ability to sync RGBpx ports on 2 or more Farbwerk360s ever going to happen?

#include <FastLED.h>

#define NUM_LEDS 70
#define DATA_PIN 6
#define BRIGHTNESS 64
#define LED_TYPE WS2812B
#define Volts 5
#define Max_Amps 500


const int delayTime = 100;

void setup() {

void loop() {
// ON, ON, OFF, ON ON, OFF (All LEDs Blue) - Shifting back and forth
for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < 3; startIndex++) {
fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, CRGB::Black); // Turn off all LEDs
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i += 6) {
leds[(i + startIndex) % NUM_LEDS] = CRGB::Blue; // ON
leds[(i + startIndex + 1) % NUM_LEDS] = CRGB::Blue; // ON
leds[(i + startIndex + 2) % NUM_LEDS] = CRGB::Black; // OFF
leds[(i + startIndex + 3) % NUM_LEDS] = CRGB::Blue; // ON
leds[(i + startIndex + 4) % NUM_LEDS] = CRGB::Blue; // ON
leds[(i + startIndex + 5) % NUM_LEDS] = CRGB::Black; // OFF

Samstag, 3. Februar 2024, 07:39

Is there still any plan to release this?
No. Many other things have priority for now.
I asked Aquacomputer to consider adding a Marquee effect to their RGBpx effects and again asked if and when RGBpx port sync across multiple devices would be added to Aquasuite.

Implementing new effects is not a priority at the moment.
RGBpx has so many effects that you are sure to find something else suitable.

Samstag, 3. Februar 2024, 19:13

Thank you for your response. It appears that enhancing the RGBpx platform is not a priority for Aquacomputer, or even on the list of things to do. I am going to assume that RGBpx port sync between Farbwerk360s is also not happening. I realize that RGB control is not the primary focus of Aquasuite, but IMHO the effects presets for the Farbwerk360 are quite limited compared to other RGB software. Other than firmware updates, I don't think there have been any additions to RGBpx since it was released. I can only hope that your limited resources are focused on developing more new and wonderful products. (Hint - The world is waiting for an updated Aquaero controller!) 8o