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Junior Member

High Flow Next reporting 0 litres per hour flow

Samstag, 17. Februar 2024, 15:24

I Have been using the High Flow Next flawlessly for the past 3 months but decided to upgrade my loop to include an additional radiator. In the process I mounted the unit vertical as I couldn't get it to fit but read that it was bad for noise and had my flow drop.

So I found a way to make it fit by placing it upside down but still horizontal.

However after filling my loop up again it's now reporting 0 litres per hour flow reading. I know flow is happening I can see it and it's got great flow and I can hear the propeller spinning if I put my ear next to it.

I haven't dropped it, or got it wet or hurt it in any physical way so I am confused why it's suddenly not working.

Really hoping for an easy fix or any solutions the community might have I could try to fix the this issue. Having to RMA it or something would be a huge killer as I wouldn't be able to use my computer while I wait for a replacement.

I have never taken one of these units apart either wouldn't know what I would be looking for or how to fix it.

would appreciate any help.


Samstag, 17. Februar 2024, 20:48

The High Flow Next spec sheet says it can be operated in any orientation but horizontal is preferred. If it worked fine when mounted vertically but stopped working when mounted horizontally but upside down, then perhaps horizontal upside down is the problem. A picture of the device with the cover removed is below, along with the specs. Maybe the rotor is making contact with the top of the case and cannot spin properly? I suggest inverting it so its is horizontal but not upside down. I can't see your loop but it seems to me that you could loosen the fittings a bit on each side, spin it 180°, then tighten the fittings back up. If you have to take it out of the loop to RMA it, you could replace it with a short piece of tubing that is the same length as the High Flow Next. The device is 50.9mm wide (2.00"). You could also probably replace it with a 2" or adjustable extension fitting.


Junior Member

Samstag, 17. Februar 2024, 23:09

Hi thanks for the reply, I really do appreciate any help I can get with this one.

I have uploaded several photos one of the old orientation and one of the new orientation.

In any case if I spin the unit 180 degrees I won't be able to see the screen at all. However I could potentially do that just to see if it starts registering the flow but It wouldn't help if it's internally making some kind of connection.

I can also hear the rotor spinning its like the unit has just decided to stop counting the flow even though it clearly has flow moving through it.
»Conanti« hat folgende Dateien angehängt:

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024, 01:19

Nice looking rig! Are those Phanteks D30-120mm or D30-140mm?

Why did you mount it upside down in the horizontal position? The manual says the High Flow Next does not care which direction the flow is. You could flip it 180° and have the coolant pass through it in the opposite direction. I guess you could not get to the buttons due to how close it is to the upper rad, but if it is connected via USB, you really don't need to use the buttons anyway. Can you mount it in the run from the GPU to the lower rad? That is a nice straight run and I think it would look good there assuming it does not cause the tubing to sag. If you mounted it in that run close to the GPU fitting maybe it could sit on the GPU back plate to support it (if its not too hot there).

Yes I am suggesting to spin it 180° just to test it and see if it starts reporting flow rate but I don't see why you can't just flip it around so the buttons are up (assuming you are OK with not being able to reach the buttons).

I have a High Flow Next in a test loop using soft tubing, sitting on a desk. It would be easy for me to invert it and see if it stops working. I will do so later tonight and let you know what happens.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024, 01:58

Yeah they are Phanteks d30's

So all good points, but I can't flip it the other way around because it hits the fans due to the thickness and where the ports are as they aren't centered on the unit.

I originally tried to do It from the gpu to the radiator but this unit is so thick it hit the glass because the GPU block stands out further than average. After that I tried vertical but it was making a ticking noise at 150 Litres per minute which is why I assume they say they recommend doing it horizontal appose to vertical. That and I didn't like the screen being sideways.

Which is why I ended up mounting it where I did as it was the only other place in my loop. I also know your meant to have about 10cm run between angled fittings to give it the most accurate reading.

So I absolutely would flip it if I could even just to test it. But There really isn't anywhere I can.
»Conanti« hat folgende Datei angehängt:

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024, 03:47

I do not believe having the Flow Next in your current orientation is an issue, as the device allows you to rotate the text 180°. rotate.jpg
FYI, 'invert' refers to text/background colors, not orientation.

You may want to check/reseat your USB connector, and make sure you have not bent the data pin.(though the display would not work were that the case)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (18. Februar 2024, 04:03)

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024, 04:21

You mentioned 0 l/h. Is that from the display unit itself? If so, that unit might have seen its last day. If the built-in display show sensible flow rate and Aquasuite is getting 0 then, like @InfoSeeker said, telemetry data are not sent to the computer correctly. After checking USB connection, check the back of the highflow NEXT and make sure that end is also properly and securely connected.
The other day, one of my LED strips went dark. I thought the strip came loose so I checked inside my case. Turned out the RGBx connection behind my external D5 Next pump came loose (I must have inadvertently kicked it under my desk somehow).


Junior Member

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024, 08:08

So yeah all the other points of data are shown on screen and on aqua suite itself except the flow is reading 0 on both.

I double checked the connection and the pins - all are connected and plugged in secure with no bent pins including the motherboard connection. I think if there were any bent then I wouldn't get a display output at all or other issues.

It's a real head scratcher this and also really upsetting :(


Junior Member

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024, 11:56

Really nice looking rig!

If you have the extra parts, perhaps [temporarily] replacing the hard tubing where the flow meter is connected with a couple stretches of soft tubing as connections to the meter - long enough lengths so you can change the pump's orientation all over the place while the system is running. That might let you know once and for all if the issue is affected by how the pump is positioned.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024, 12:35

its a great idea unfortunately out of tubing now completely :(


Junior Member

Montag, 19. Februar 2024, 12:06

I have emailed aquacomputer support, does anybody know how long they typically take to respond?

I have read they are really good with product faults and I honestly think mine has just experienced an early failure.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Conanti« (20. Februar 2024, 00:38)

Dienstag, 20. Februar 2024, 04:00

I do not believe having the Flow Next in your current orientation is an issue, as the device allows you to rotate the text 180°.)
So I absolutely would flip it if I could even just to test it. But There really isn't anywhere I can.
I have a High Flow Next in a test loop using soft tubing, sitting on a desk. It would be easy for me to invert it and see if it stops working. I will do so later tonight and let you know what happens.

I finally tried flipping a High Flow Next upside down in my test loop, while it was running. It made no difference in the flow rate reading at all. So I do not think yours is not working because of its orientation. Odd that it would fail after only 3 months. There is not a lot that can go wrong. I was thinking maybe a bad cable or damaged connector but you said it is showing up in AQS and you are getting other data from it. Aquacomputer usually responds to emails in a day or two. Hopefully you will hear from them soon


Junior Member

Dienstag, 20. Februar 2024, 06:37

I do not believe having the Flow Next in your current orientation is an issue, as the device allows you to rotate the text 180°.)
So I absolutely would flip it if I could even just to test it. But There really isn't anywhere I can.
I have a High Flow Next in a test loop using soft tubing, sitting on a desk. It would be easy for me to invert it and see if it stops working. I will do so later tonight and let you know what happens.

I finally tried flipping a High Flow Next upside down in my test loop, while it was running. It made no difference in the flow rate reading at all. So I do not think yours is not working because of its orientation. Odd that it would fail after only 3 months. There is not a lot that can go wrong. I was thinking maybe a bad cable or damaged connector but you said it is showing up in AQS and you are getting other data from it. Aquacomputer usually responds to emails in a day or two. Hopefully you will hear from them soon

Yeah literally everything else is working on the unit, the water quality, conductivity, temperature and the RGB/ screen work brilliantly. Just the flow meter is reading 0. There isn't any grinding sound so it's not hitting anything and I can hear the propeller spinning if I put my ear to it. So it's like the connection of that specific data just isn't being communicated to my computer. But I have checked everything is plugged in, there is no noticeable damage to the cord and I don't think any damage really could occur anyway, it's not like im carrying it around with me this build is .. very immobile. It hasn't been dropped or come into contact with any water near the connectors. I am always super careful with this kind of equipment and if anything did hurt the connection physically, I'm sure I would have other problems with the other readouts but I don't.

Sometimes products just fail and I think in this instance I am just on the unfortunate end of it. I can't put it down to anything else. I messaged them 3 days ago so hopefully I hear back soon :)


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2024, 01:57

Just thought I'd pop an update in here.

I heard back from Aquacomputer - Absolute legends, I swear German based companies have the best business practices in the world.

They informed me they would send out a new unit. Absolute badass move from them. I am so used to companies throwing every excuse at the sun to put the issue back onto the user this is the most refreshing interaction I have had with a company in years.

Huge company appeal to me in the future for any future purchases. Going to see what else they sell now haha. Super happy with that outcome. :)

Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2024, 03:17

Great News! Aquacomputer support exceeded my expectations when dealing with a dead Octo that I bought second hand and did not test for almost a year.

iI you don't have to return the old one, after you get the replacement HFN installed, there would be little risk in taking the cover off to take a look at the internals. I don't know how difficult it is to get the cover off but I suspect removing the 4 hex-head screws in the bottom would be the first (and maybe only) step. If you get it working you could install it in the vertical position and see how the values reported by the 2 HFN compare.