• 26.09.2024, 22:05
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[Help - How-to] Connecting lian-li fans with Quadro/otto?

Montag, 26. Februar 2024, 16:38

Good morning,

In my case I have 4 fans from lian-li UNI FAN AL V2 140mm and 3 fans also lian-li UNI FAN AL V2 120 mm.
I would like to ask if they can be used directly with quadro/otto both to adjust rpm and rgb.
If it is possible, what exactly do I need to buy? what kind of cables and adapters will I need?
thanks to all

Samstag, 9. März 2024, 05:51

I have the Lian Li SL-INF. I made sure to buy the single pack as it contains a cable that splits into aRGB and PWM. You can still diasy chain but these cables are important to achieve what you want to achieve. I use an Octo to control the fans speed and pump speed based of the water temp probe in the High Flow 2. I connect the aRGB to the Farbwerk 360. The setup works well but I am looking for an RGB controller that plays nice with OpenRGB or SignalRGB so I plan on selling my Farbwerk if and when I find something better. Hope this helps.

Samstag, 9. März 2024, 06:21

I have the Lian Li SL-INF. I made sure to buy the single pack as it contains a cable that splits into aRGB and PWM. You can still diasy chain but these cables are important to achieve what you want to achieve. I use an Octo to control the fans speed and pump speed based of the water temp probe in the High Flow 2. I connect the aRGB to the Farbwerk 360. The setup works well but I am looking for an RGB controller that plays nice with OpenRGB or SignalRGB so I plan on selling my Farbwerk if and when I find something better. Hope this helps.
Signal RGB can control a FW360 but you have to stop the Aquasuite service to do it. They do it through the Ambientpx function. Here is a LINK to how to set it up. I have not tried this personally. I have 2 FW360 in my rig and I use OpenRGB to control the LEDs in my mobo, RAM, and GPU. I wish there was a way to control everything from one program. Signal RGB could be the solution, but I use Aquasuite to monitor and control my loop components. I am not willing to give that up for consolidated RGB control, but it is an option.

Samstag, 9. März 2024, 07:07

I use Aquasuite to monitor and control my loop components. I am not willing to give that up for consolidated RGB control, but it is an option.

I am in the same boat as you and unwilling to give up Aquasuite just to consolidate my RGB which is why it seems I will have to ditch the 2x FW360 for another controller.


Signal RGB can control a FW360 but you have to stop the Aquasuite service to do it. They do it through the Ambientpx function. Here is a LINK to how to set it up.

I have a I tried it and it wasn't worth the hassle. Having to disable Aquasuite service to do it was the deal breaker for me but also the inability to control the RGB during shutdown was also a con. SignalRGB allows you to set shutdown colors.I have ordered the Razor RGB controller to see if it plays nice with the Lian Li fans.

Samstag, 9. März 2024, 22:21

Good luck. Please post an update when you get the Razer up and running. I have read mixed reviews of this LED controller. The main complaint seems to be that the DRGB connectors on the Razer have pins that are very thin so the DRGB cables that plug into its ports tend to just fall off very easily. There does not seem to be a standard for the diameter of the pins and sockets so a cable from Vendor A may not mate snugly to a connector from Vendor B. I don't know what the standard DRGB connector is called or what the 12V analog RGB connector with all 4 pins used is called but they are total crap. Its a shame that the closest thing we have to a standard for computer RGB bling is this horrible connector.