• 21.09.2024, 00:05
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High Flow Next + Octo

Samstag, 16. März 2024, 17:43

I have a High Flow Next and Octo, both connected to motherboard's USB header.
I purchased a "Connection cable signal header of high flow NEXT to 3 pin miniature connector" to connect the the High Flow Next signal header to the Octo flow header, is that the correct installation? If so, I am only seeing the "flow sensor" but its completely off, the HFN reads 78 l/h vs the Octo having 2,039 l/h.

Also, I want to push temperature reading from the HFN to the Octo, can this be done?
Appreciate any clarity <3

Samstag, 16. März 2024, 21:48

Learned how to get the flow sensor to properly show in the OCTO:
Vision connected to Octo by aquabus?
Still trying to figure out how to get the temperature sensor from the HFN to sent to the OCTO.

Samstag, 16. März 2024, 23:14

Learned how to get the flow sensor to properly show in the OCTO:
Vision connected to Octo by aquabus?
Still trying to figure out how to get the temperature sensor from the HFN to sent to the OCTO.
why not using softsensors in OCTO and assigning the wanted sensors from the HFN?

and if you have this cable, then it is the right one. But as said: it is working in windows without that cable via USB, Aquauite and Softsensors in the OCTO
This cable is only needed if you want to use it not only in windows or to to make sure, it is working also when in Windows the Aquasuite services are not running/working.
But this cable is only for the flow. To use the HFN temp sensor in the OCTO: this in only possible in windows via USB, Aquasuite and a softsensor in the OCTO

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von »mditsch« (16. März 2024, 23:33)

Sonntag, 17. März 2024, 05:27

Ah makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!