• 25.09.2024, 22:06
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Junior Member

I do not want to make a mistake. translations don't help

Donnerstag, 21. März 2024, 20:14

can you help me with the choice of a dual pump cooling system for processor only for the moment.
later I will also get the video card.
I would like to use the D5 pump.
But for now I don't want the pressure safety system.
I only want dual pump support, simple pumps without display, medium enclosure, cpu support and radiator.
I can't figure out what I should take. There are so many models and the translations don't help much. can you guide me so I don't make mistakes?


Junior Member

Is this the right minimum?

Donnerstag, 21. März 2024, 20:39

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DeDog« (21. März 2024, 20:45)

Freitag, 22. März 2024, 19:38

For dual pumps, you can use this dual pump cover.

The one you listed is for a single pump only.


Junior Member

Montag, 25. März 2024, 20:44

HI. thank you for the tip. :)
I didn't realize that the fundamental piece of the system was missing :whistling:
I would like to push a latest series i9 but I don't know which pump to use 8| now use quality air cooling with liquid metal...but in oc the temperatures reach 105 °C (immediately stopped it)

-- In your opinion using two double circuit radiators, one 480 and one 360 and two d5 or better one aquastream ULTIMATE or 2 aquastream ULTIMATE...can I have the CPUs in oc below 85°C? --- ?( ?(

:evil: X( I didn't know it got so hot. I only found out now X( :evil:

Montag, 25. März 2024, 21:05

Check out this video. The CPU was overheating and when he removed the CPU he found the CPU was missing a good amount of thermal paste. Have you checked that? Jayz2cents also have a video out there where he shows the MB was causing high CPU temps by overvolting the CPU. Something worth checking out before throwing money at the problem.


In my opinion, there's probably something else going on with your setup causing the high temps that may need to be checked out. Are these normal or gaming temps?

I use 1 pump and a 480mm on the 7950x and the temps max at 90 during Cinebench stress test, but average temp is much lower. The temps average in the 60s during gaming and 40s-50s during regular use. I would use a dual loop if possible and put the CPU and GPU on separate loops.

Just One Man's Opinion.
HI. thank you for the tip. :)
I didn't realize that the fundamental piece of the system was missing :whistling:
I would like to push a latest series i9 but I don't know which pump to use 8| now use quality air cooling with liquid metal...but in oc the temperatures reach 105 °C (immediately stopped it)

-- In your opinion using two double circuit radiators, one 480 and one 360 and two d5 or better one aquastream ULTIMATE or 2 aquastream ULTIMATE...can I have the CPUs in oc below 85°C? --- ?( ?(

:evil: X( I didn't know it got so hot. I only found out now X( :evil:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Methodical« (5. April 2024, 13:01)

"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic"


Junior Member

Montag, 25. März 2024, 21:28

normal temperatures are very low. 40 45°C.
if oc is down...default bios...temperatures under load are 85-90 °C...everything is ok, but I use just over half the power.
It only reaches 105 degrees at maximum overclock and under load with absorption of around 320-330 watts.
I want to understand if the double pump is needed or a single pump is enough to overclock to 330 watts and keep it below a constant under 90 °C

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DeDog« (25. März 2024, 21:33)


Junior Member

Montag, 25. März 2024, 21:31

I'm using liquid metal without protection around the socket. I did a painstaking job. It took me two or three hours to spread the right layer of liquid metal and not let it leak from the edges but still using the right amount. went away 3 g of metal ...between removing...and putting in
Check out this video. The CPU was overheating and when he removed the CPU he found the CPU was missing a good amount of thermal paste. Have you checked that? Jayz2cents also have a video out there where he shows the MB was causing high CPU temps by overvolting the CPU. Something worth checking out before throwing money at the problem.


In my opinion, there's probably something else going on with your setup causing the high temps that may need to be checked out. Are these normal or gaming temps?

I use 1 pump and a 420mm on the 7950x and the temps max at 90 during Cinebench stress test, but average temp is much lower. The temps average in the 60s during gaming and 40s-50s during regular use. I would use a dual loop if possible and put the CPU and GPU on separate loops.

Just One Man's Opinion.
HI. thank you for the tip. :)
I didn't realize that the fundamental piece of the system was missing :whistling:
I would like to push a latest series i9 but I don't know which pump to use 8| now use quality air cooling with liquid metal...but in oc the temperatures reach 105 °C (immediately stopped it)

-- In your opinion using two double circuit radiators, one 480 and one 360 and two d5 or better one aquastream ULTIMATE or 2 aquastream ULTIMATE...can I have the CPUs in oc below 85°C? --- ?( ?(

:evil: X( I didn't know it got so hot. I only found out now X( :evil:

Dienstag, 26. März 2024, 13:19

normal temperatures are very low. 40 45°C.
if oc is down...default bios...temperatures under load are 85-90 °C...everything is ok, but I use just over half the power.
It only reaches 105 degrees at maximum overclock and under load with absorption of around 320-330 watts.
I want to understand if the double pump is needed or a single pump is enough to overclock to 330 watts and keep it below a constant under 90 °C
Are these temps with fans at low rpm and/or during benchmarking tests? I ask because I know some folks goals are to have low rpm fans and low temps.

For comparison purposes, I use a single pump and a 560mm radiator on the TUF 4090 OC that pulls 400-500 watts and during hours long 4k gaming the avg temps are in the 50s. I also use a single pump and 480mm radiator on the Rizen 7950x and the temps avg in the 60-70s during gaming and 70s-80s during those high stress test benchmarks. Secondly, I use a single pump (ultitube 150) and 360mm radiator (25mm) with the Rizen 7800x3D and 3080Ti and during long 4k gaming, the temps averages in the 50s for the GPU and CPU (see link below). I can squeeze out about 3* if I push the pumps to 100%, but not worth it for me. Based on this setup, I don't think multiple radiators are required to cool a CPU and GPU combination; it can be done with 1 radiator. I don't know of any stress tests/benchmark or games that pegs the power limits of both the GPU and CPU at the same time (are there any???). Lastly, check out the thread below where the poster had the same issue where his intel CPU temp was high and he found that his water block was the issue. Again, I think there's something going on with the setup that's causing those temps. You may want to ask this question on one of the OC forums because there are people out there with the same CPU having the same issue that can provide their fix. Just One Man's Opinion.


See this link that shows my temperatures with the 7800x3D and 3080Ti on a single radiator.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Methodical« (5. April 2024, 13:13)

"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic"


Junior Member

Dienstag, 26. März 2024, 22:25

I noticed a disarming detail.
The acquastream ultimate pump has a maximum coolant temperature of 50 °C, while the D5 on the manufacturer's website has 203 °F which is 95 °C...so if you want to overclock you have to opt for the D5 pump . that's why they created the double pump support... because just one.... certainly can't cool modern Intel CPUs... especially i9. :cursing:



So the definitive set for cooling an overclocked i9 is the one I posted at the beginning of this hard... with the addition of the missing piece of the D5 double pump body. :thumbsup:


Junior Member

Dienstag, 26. März 2024, 23:30

to separate the costs it would be better to buy a d5 integrated with a single 480 bi loop radiator

[b]cuplex kryos NEXT 1700, copper/copper[/b]
107,54 EUR107,54 EUR[b]
[/b][b]Double Protect Ultra 1l - blue[/b]
9,21 EUR9,21 EUR[b]
[/b][b]Hose Aqua Computer 16/10 mm PVC clear[/b]
4,61 EUR13,83 EUR[b]
[/b][b]ULTITUBE D5 100 reservoir with D5 PWM pump[/b]
148,55 EUR148,55 EUR
incl. Value added tax IT 22%: 90,99 EUR
[b]Sub-total: 504,58 EUR

in my opinion the Barrow compression fitting 16/10 mm G1/4, black connectors are not good, as are the coated brass filters and valves. in my opinion they should be completely made of copper to avoid having long-term problems.

nice this:




Mittwoch, 3. April 2024, 03:06

Did you get the new pump? How did it work out?
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic"


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 3. April 2024, 23:43

Not yet. I don't know whether to take two pumps and cool the video card and CPU or take just one and start overclocking NOW just the CPU and RAM. I DON'T KNOW IF with a radiator 4cm thick and 360cm long and a single D5 pump, it can be enough to cool just the CPU to keep an i9 series 14 under 90gC in overclock...or you need a 6cm radiator and 480 and directly two pumps? I would like to understand first if I overclock RAM and CPU...does the temperature also rise for the video card? do you have experience with this?
I think I will buy EK Water Blocks EK-Nucleus CR360 Direct Die 1700 D-RGB All In One CPU Water Cooler...when water computer creates a less expensive solution I will go back to buying from the European Union...for now too much money to cool 14900 ...and temperatures are still very high


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 4. April 2024, 09:37

you don't need two pumps to cool a CPU, one is waaaaaaaaaaay more than enough for CPU, GPU and a bunch of radiators. Pump flow is not important for cooling as long as you have enough flow for the waterblocks to work correctly (usually it's fairly low like, below 100L/h). Increasing flow above that doesn't have much effect at all. All you need is enough radiator area. Even with a 240mm in a custom loop would be enough for a 14900K.
Also, coolant will never reach the CPU temperature. An overclocked CPU may reach 100°C but the coolant will stay in the 30-40°C temperature usually depending on how many radiators you have.

If you don't use a contact frame you should install one. It helps cooling quite a bit by keeping the CPU flat (the default retention system bends it and causes bad contact with the cooler).

Donnerstag, 4. April 2024, 13:45

Hey hi, choose the EK-XTOP D5 setup without the pressure safety system, aligning with your preference for a dual pump cooling system.


Junior Member

in the end...delid

Sonntag, 14. April 2024, 18:40

in the end I chose delid and the only direct die cooler existing on earth at the moment.
later ...I will replace the current radiator with a radiator from this site. maybe when more direct die cooler solutions are produced. i9 if you want to overclock the current custom solutions without delid don't work.


Senior Member

Montag, 15. April 2024, 16:50

the 14900K is already pushed way hard out of the box. if you are into extreme overclock then yes you should delid. if it's for a gaming rig, then overclocking an already very overclocked CPU is pointless, unless you live in a cold place and need the extra heating :p performance gains are very minimal compared to the induced power draw.

Montag, 22. April 2024, 04:23

How is the delid CPU working out?
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic"


Junior Member

I'm still waiting for the right equipment.

Montag, 22. April 2024, 11:34

I can't find the right tool to delidding cpu.
I tried two. 1 aliexpress...no good....1 amazon...no good.
I can't find anything concrete around without spending a lot of money. any info?

Montag, 22. April 2024, 11:59


Junior Member

pay attention to what is around. too soon!

Dienstag, 23. April 2024, 06:50

they're not good. the ones on this site are for other cpu form factorers. not for 14 series. there are only devices certified for the 13 series around....for the 14 series they don't exist yet...only x am5 exist....all the others do not have the 14 gen intel mark.

I found one ... which according to the CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROCESSOR MANUFACTURER'S WEBSITE...INTEL....i9 13th series and i9 14th series, have the same shape, both raptor lake.
So consequently a 13th gen certified tool...should it be good for 14 series?
I asked the seller the same question. you should reply to me today
Once done, I'll put it up for sale... if anyone is interested. I'll tell you how it went and will anyone buy the instrument? :thumbup:

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