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aquasuite built in temps from the motherboard to run fans through aquero 6 pro for air cooled pc

Freitag, 5. April 2024, 04:10

so i have an older gaming rig that didnt have proper pwm fan headers they were fake pwm that then ran voltage control. im running server fans to cool the system off and dont want them running 100% 100% of the time because they are bloody loud. the computer is still good as a workstation with plenty of power ram and capability. so i had an aquero 6 pro sitting on a shelf and decided to use it to control all the fans. however in the aquasuite ver x.78 i cant find the motherboard sensors to pipe into the aquero to control the various fans. cpu and gpu have fans that i was going to run through the aquero but the suite has no way to tell it what the temp is and or allow it to see the temp via the usb connection.

any info on this would be great.

Freitag, 5. April 2024, 07:24

Connect the fans directly to the Aquaero 6, if they are in groups use either Y splitters or a Splitty9 then in Aquasuite you can set the fans up including setting them to voltage control. Also under the Aquasuite service tab make sure it is set to monitor the system, then you'll see the CPU, GPU temps etc.
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Freitag, 5. April 2024, 10:40

I just checked and everything is on but none of the temps ar showing in the temps list and i don't have any missing drivers for an older asus m5a99fx pro r2.0 that i shoved w11 on. w11 shows no missing drivers

and yes ive rewired the plugs so that a splitty9 active is used to boost the pwm signal since these fans dont pick it up if they have a y connector and their power and ground are split off to a hub powered off a molex since sata is only good for about 4.5a while the molex should be good for 10a and i did heat test it to make sure it wasnt getting too hot and at full tilt was barely warm so alls good.

the fans do work fine but adding in the motherboards temps is going to make these fans a backup to the gpu and cpu and any other temp sensor the motherboard has.

any ideas? and sorry if it s rambly its 130am here

Freitag, 5. April 2024, 11:04

i just verified openhardwaremonitor can read all the temps on the drives, the mobo, the cpu, and gpu but aquasuite x.78 hooked up to an aquero 6 pro is not displaying the temps. or atleast it is not displaying the temps in aquero > sensors > temp sensors list

Freitag, 5. April 2024, 11:19

you have to use for this devices SW-Sensors. The first temp-sensor section is only for directly to the Aquero connected temp-sensors.

Sonntag, 7. April 2024, 05:55

new question. is there any way to make more software sensors? i need 2 more.

and then i need to combine all the sensors. I found the ones that let you pick 4 and have the highest temp be the one that they use but it only allows 4 and there is only 4 of those sensors meaning you can only combine a max of 13 it seems 4 on the first one then 3 on each consecutive one as they need to take data from the previous one too however there are 14 sensors total is there any way to make those virtual sensors that combine them take all 14? or have 1 more virtual sensor to cascade the others into it?

Montag, 8. April 2024, 09:49

You can use a virtual software sensor to check for the highest temperature of multiple values. The result can be assigned to a software sensor of the aquaero.

Samstag, 13. April 2024, 06:42

cool i made one but cant find out how to attach it to the fan controller to control the fans. the virtual sensor does not show up in the list of selectable sensors. and i dont see anything in playground that lets me setup a fan group and attach it that way.

Samstag, 13. April 2024, 08:12

tested it and it works in that way:

1. create a virt. temperature sensor in playground (each in playground created sensor is always a virtual snsor)
2. create a Software Sensor for the aquero
3. make it active (only with making it active you can assign a sensor
4. assign the virt. sensor from #1
5. create a controller (in german: Regler) for the aquero
6. assign the SW Sensor from #2 to the the controller frrom #5

that's it

Sonntag, 14. April 2024, 05:10

yep i figured it out late last night now i have it set with everything working as it should except strange issues with the splitty9 active taht i have but that is on a different thread ... thank you all for your help!