• 25.09.2024, 04:45
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splitty9 active runs full speed when plugged into sata power but distributes pwm signal when unplugged from sata (fans are plugged into a seperate power injector)

Samstag, 13. April 2024, 05:57

ok so ive got a splitty9 active plugged in to sata power and a aquero 6 pro

the server fans all get power from a 4 pin molex because it would be too many amps for the sata power connector and the splitty9 active (10amps or so at max rpm)

this whole thing worked fine for the first boot controlled all the fans no problem nice and quiet.

after a power off then reboot fans are all max rpm

i shut down the system thinking maybe some of the signal splitters i was using were diluting the pwm signal

i removed the signal splitters leaving 3 of the fans plugged directly into the splitty9 active power rpm and pwm all from the splitty the other 4 server fans had power injection going to them

turned the system on and all were max power

tured the knob till the red light shut off and only 2 fans stopped both were directly plugged in

what was odd is when the splitty9 was unplugged from sata the fans would calm down with the ones directly plugged in power and signal not doing anything

now after running for a bit it suddenly started working and the fans are being properly controlled.

anyway any ideas what could be going on?

after going to sleep and being woken back up the fans are once again max rpm ... nothing seems to get them to slow down back to normal and the readout on aquasuite says its giving them 0 power

could this be a bad splitty9 active?

I am going to try just running the splitty9 active with no sata and see if its the power input that is messing up the pwm signal perhaps?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeeeeeeee« (14. April 2024, 11:41)

Dienstag, 16. April 2024, 06:27

ok i figured it out the unplugged splitty9 active does run the fans at a slow speed but never any faster they will always go at around 10% speed and i dont know if that is different if using different fans. the fans that did run at around 10% all had power injection through a 4 pin molex connector

when the splitty9 is plugged in it will only run normally if there is power going to it from the aquero6 pro ... if the aquero turns off its power going to it the fans will ramp up to max if they have external power injection.

this should be fixed as it is a flaw when you are using a splitty9 active to control high amp server fans where 1 fan can suck up more amps than the splitty9 active is rated for.


Senior Member

Dienstag, 16. April 2024, 08:52

any PWM fan that receives no PWM signal will default to max speed. It's not due to the Splitty, that's just how all PWM fans work.
If you turn off the channel in the aquaero, there's no PWM control signal going to the fans, and they will go to max speed instantly.
The Aquaero gives them no power because it's an active splitter. it only takes PWM signal from the aquaero, and sends it back the speed signal taken from the fan plugged on the middle connector that's tagged as "rpm". You need one fan connected to that socket or the control won't work btw.
