• 25.09.2024, 13:53
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Possible to show Aquasuite page overview (desktop mode) on a secondary mini-display? Similar to Aida64, etc?

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024, 23:16

Hi all,

Is it possible to view the Aquasuite page overview "desktop" mode on a secondary (mini) display? Currently when I select the desktop view it defaults to my main display and there doesn't seem to be a way to change this.

What I am hoping to do is show the page overview as a stats-only display on my secondary display (see photo). The only way for me to do this today is by minimizing the aquascape app and resizing it to the secondary display however this is not ideal since if I want to make change to aquasuite (or view other stats) I have to drag the applications from the secondary display into the main display and resize again.

Photo attached of how I would ultimately like this to look.

Thank you!

Montag, 6. Mai 2024, 18:03

All you have to do is click on the small window and the lock behind the overview page to see your entire monitor area and where the overview page is currently displayed in overlay mode.

Now simply select all the objects on the overview page with the mouse and drag them to the desired location.

If you have no clue where which monitor begins or ends, program icons in a corner of the respective monitor will help you find your way around.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024, 16:48

The aquasuite shows all available monitors as one large area. You have to use the scrollbars to get to other spots.

Please note that if your monitors use different scaling settings (Windows), the position of elements in the aquasuite and the real desktop might be different. In that case you have to play a bit around to get it into the right spot.

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024, 19:48

Thank you @shoggy and @Taubenhaucher for the replies! I will play around with the overview page to see if I can get the desired output.

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