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High Flow Next showing 0 flow

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024, 20:31

Hi all,

I just purchased a High Flow Next despite some reviews online saying their unit does not report flow measurement. I assumed maybe this was an issue related to the previous build which was also causing loud noises.

Unfortunately after installing however I'm also getting the "0 flow" issue. The other sensors work fine (temp, conductivity, water quality, etc). I have heard that the High Flow Next needs a minimum flow of 20 l/h in order to show a measurement so I maxed out my DDC pump (rated at 600 l/h) and it's still showing 0 flow.

Any ideas on what could be wrong? As you can see from the image I also made the mistake of painting it before testing it so it's not returnable and probably voided the warranty in the process ;(

Advice is much appreciated!

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024, 22:24

Wow. That is a whole lot of PINK!

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024, 07:17

Can we see a pic of your entire system? It maybe than 1 solitary DDC pump can't cut the mustard so to say.
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024, 18:01

UPDATE: I had to restart my PC a couple times yesterday to organize my wiring and on the last restart the flow meter magically started working. Not sure exactly what helped it but I assume the internal wheel was stuck from factory and the stop/start of the flow helped push it along.

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024, 18:21

Wow. That is a whole lot of PINK!

Haha, I actually have no pink in my system. Not sure why the lighting did that when I snapped the pic.

Can we see a pic of your entire system? It maybe than 1 solitary DDC pump can't cut the mustard so to say.

I updated my post as the flow meter started working all of a sudden. But here is a pic of the entire system. The DDC pump is pretty sufficient for this system even though I do have a lot of restrictive joints. I'm currently getting 140 l/h at around 30% pump power. I typically try to keep it within 120-200 l/h.


Junior Member

Freitag, 17. Mai 2024, 14:33

Very nice, clean build.

Samstag, 18. Mai 2024, 00:13

Haha, I actually have no pink in my system. Not sure why the lighting did that when I snapped the pic.
Wow. What a difference. When I saw that pic and you said you had painted the High Flow Next, I was thinking OK, that is probably the only pink High Flow Next on the planet (at least hopefully).Weird how the pic turned out.

Beautiful build, and glad to hear your flow sensor started working. I have 3 of them and never had any problems, although one of them does report about 10L/hr lower than the other 2 when flow rate is ~180 L/hr. I added a correction offset in Aquasuite, but it's kind of annoying since the other 2 are within 1% of each other. I asked about it and Aquacomputer said it could be an air bubble lodged inside and to try tapping on it. I tried that, and even swapped them around in my loop but the one flow sensor still reports lower than the other 2. First World problems I guess..


Senior Member

Samstag, 18. Mai 2024, 19:25

yea ^^' the only way a DDC (or D5) can't push enough is if you use quickconnects. those puppies are overkill for anything we do.

Hope the LEDs don't die too quick on white ;) looks snazzy

Montag, 20. Mai 2024, 07:16

Very nice, clean build.
+1 exactly what I thought lol
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"