• 25.09.2024, 02:50
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Will running just the D5 next be enough or do I need a quadro , usb hub, flow and temp sensors?

Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024, 19:13

This is my first custom loop. Its going in a new 7800x3d build with core1 aurora cpu block, and an optimus block on my 3090.
The ultitube pro d5 next combo looked perfect so I ordered that, my cpu block, 3 rads, epdm tubing, fittings, etc.... Im like $800 into acquiring parts for the loop and now read that the flow meter in the d5 next is just a virtual meter and not accurate. Alot of people suggest getting an octo/quadro, flowmeter, and temp sensor.
I have 2 usb2.0 headers on motherboard, one is used by my ambient case temp sensor, the other is used by the lcd readout display on my case, so to run an octo or anything else I will need an internal usb2.0 hub.
I was hoping to just daisychain my 6 140mm p14 fans to the fan header on the d5 next.
Will the d5 next be able to control the fan curve based off coolant temp just from the d5 next display on the pump or am I much better off connecting the pump to usb on the mb so that I can use the aquacomputer software?
Will the d5 next as a standalone be good enough to safely run my loop or should I be looking at getting a quadro/octo,flowmeter,tempsensor?
Its kind of crazy.... I started buying parts to do a custom loop because I got such a good deal on a used rtx 3090 with waterblock but by the time im done buying components I could of just bought a 4090 lol.
Oh well, ive always wanted to do a custom loop

Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024, 05:50

I could not get the fan curve to work off the D5 temperature sensor. For some reason when I created the D5 virtual temperature sensor it would not show up as a virtual sensor to use as the data source for the fan curve. I tried with no luck but was not disappointed because I was just waiting for the Octo and temperature sensor knowing I could easily build the fan curve via temperature sensor with it. Also, I wanted the separate fan connectors and the more accurate standalone flow rate sensor (i.e.highflow2) vs the d5 sensor.

I can't answer if the D5 will run all three radiators, gpu and cpu water blocks, but it seems you may run into some flow issues, but I will let someone else confirm that. I am only run 1 radiator, cpu and gpu waterblock with the 150 and have very good flow rate.

I say to make all of that easier and doable, I'd get the Octo or Quaro and a USB hubby if you need more than the 2 USB connectors you have.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Methodical« (3. Juli 2024, 06:00)

"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic"