• 18.09.2024, 13:10
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Corsair 1000d Obsidian 32 radiator fans and two Active splitty 9s

Saturday, August 3rd 2024, 1:47pm

Hi all , I've been using the Octo for 2 years now on my current build , but my

new build will have four push/pull 480mm radiators.

So 8 fans per radiator, so two radiator's have Noctua NF-F12 PWM , amps 0.05 per fan.
The other two have Phanteks T30s, amps 0.16 , performance setting.

The plan was to use two splitty 9 active to run the 16 fans on each set of radiators, using a spliter cable to create 8 fan cables per set of radiators.

So each splitty 9 fan header would run two fans , the 16 T30s would draw 2.56 amps and the 16 Noctuas 0.08 amps.
I read that the Noctua fans don't play nice with splitter cables so but I already have 9 Noctua NF-F12 , so I had hoped to reuse them.

Currently running the 3 of the Noctua fans from one header on the Octo gives me ramping issues ( see first pic ) because the PWM signal is compromised, would only running two from an active splitty fix this .
Thank you.

Also my main concern is that 16 fans on one Splitty 9 active might be to much ? , for the PWM signal and power wise .

Should I get two more Splitty 9s , this would mean A LOT of cables .
Adding some pics , the one with the jagged fan profile is the three Noctua NF-F12 running from a 3 way spliiter to the fan header on the Octo , the other is the T30s run in banks of 3 with the flat profile , they are all

controlled from the water temp sensor.
The T30s seem to have no problem with the PWM signal on fan splitter cables , I thought the splitty9 active would solve this issue with the Noctuas but now I am not so sure . I am going to have to connect a splitty9 to

the Octo with 8 noctuas connected to 4 fan headers .
If that fails I will have to try one fan per header if that works then buy more Splitty9s if not then ditch the noctuas and buy more T30s or Arctics 120s .


This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "DumpTronald" (Aug 4th 2024, 2:28pm)