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Advice on setup

Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2008, 19:55


I'm considering buying an Aquaero but I would like to control and read the data from more fans, what would be the correct module to expand the Aquaero?

I could use a number of poweradjusts (1 per fan) to expand the contol? can these be linked back to the Aquaero?

However the multiswitch has more options but doesn't seem to offer the ability to monitor the fans speed.

Thanks for your time

Re: Advice on setup

Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2008, 20:34

Hi and welcome to the Forum! ;D

You can add a Aquaero LT to your Setup. To control the Fans you need to start the Aquasuite twice, so you have one "Window" for each Aquaero.

Thats for sure not the "Cheapo-Style", but i think its the cleanest and easyest method to add four more Fans to your Setup.
Sorry das ich anstaat ein h ein n geschriben habe !!!
(Ps: man kan über treiben)

Re: Advice on setup

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008, 00:55

Thanks, seems like this would be best place to disscuss the hardware.

It's a shame you have to use 2 copies of the software.

I thought another option would be to use a poweradjust for the fans, this has a speed signal, could this go out to the aquareo?


Re: Advice on setup

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008, 02:48

Zitat von »Ytterbium«

It's a shame you have to use 2 copies of the software.

Yeah, it would be much nicer if the Aquasuite would just add four more Fan-Channels to the actual Window, or add a "Tab" or something to the Window of the first Aquaero. Switching between tabs is much more comfortable than playing around with this huge mega size Windows!...

But thats what we have today, and the Aquasuite is in general a nice peace of Software, isnt it? ;)


I thought another option would be to use a poweradjust for the fans, this has a speed signal, could this go out to the aquareo?

The Poweradjust is neither able to power Fans, nor can it be connected to the Aquaero. It is designed for adjusting Laing -and similar- Pumps, and is an USB-Device.
The Multiswitch can be connected to the Aquaero via Aquabus but doesnt have one single Fan-Connector.

So, have fun with your second Aquaero! ;D
Sorry das ich anstaat ein h ein n geschriben habe !!!
(Ps: man kan über treiben)

Re: Advice on setup

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008, 13:32

Maybe they could add it to aquasuite? but I suppose not many people want many fans.

The software is very nice I just looked through the demo, t's very high tech :)

OK re poweradjust, just a though, seems like your idea is the only possiable way.

Cheers for the help and advice.