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Junior Member

Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 02:36


With this post I would like to ask you for your help/support.

I have the Aquastream XT standard pump installed in my system running Windows XP.

It is connected with USB, 12v and tachosignal cable.

When I connect the pump to USB while in windows (or after reboot without the pump installed) it detects it like it should and shows up as an USB-HID controller in Device management.

Aquasuite works properly then.

But after a reboot windows fails to detect the pump automatically and it shows up like an unstarted USB-HID device in the device management.

It doesn’t detect the pump in aquasuite, somehow it loses the drivers/config for detecting the pump after a reboot on my system.

After I manually remove the defective USB-HID from device management and press “Search for changed devices” (translation) it re-detects the pump and installs it properly again.
It is also often needed to manually search for the USB-HID driver from the device management.

Is this normal, I assume its not.
I own an Asus P5N32-e-sli plus motherboard and the pump is
connected to the internal USB connector.
Could it be the problem that my motherboard doesnt detect the pump or is it that the pumps firmware is incompatible?

Can you help me find the source of this problem and solve it?

Pump information:
Frimware 1011
Bootloader 102

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 03:10

Zitat von »degoe«


With this post I would like to ask you for your help/support.

I have the Aquastream XT standard pump installed in my system running Windows XP.

It is connected with USB, 12v and tachosignal cable.

When I connect the pump to USB while in windows (or after reboot without the pump installed) it detects it like it should and shows up as an USB-HID controller in Device management.

Aquasuite works properly then.

But after a reboot windows fails to detect the pump automatically and it shows up like an unstarted USB-HID device in the device management.

It doesn’t detect the pump in aquasuite, somehow it loses the drivers/config for detecting the pump after a reboot on my system.

After I manually remove the defective USB-HID from device management and press “Search for changed devices” (translation) it re-detects the pump and installs it properly again.
It is also often needed to manually search for the USB-HID driver from the device management.

Is this normal, I assume its not.
I own an Asus P5N32-e-sli plus motherboard and the pump is
connected to the internal USB connector.
Could it be the problem that my motherboard doesnt detect the pump or is it that the pumps firmware is incompatible?

Can you help me find the source of this problem and solve it?

Pump information:
Frimware 1011
Bootloader 102

I to have this probem also have an asus motherboard,
maybe there is a glitch on asus motherboards ....

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 23:36


I had a problem like yours nor USB aquastream xt neither aquaero were recognised by aquasuite after windows xp start and I've found this only happens when starting aquasuite with an USB pen tablet device connected.

I start windows with this device unpluged and start aquasuite, this way every thing works fine and I can plug the USB pen tablet later if I need to.

I can also atart windows and unplug the tablet just before start aquasuite.

Hope this will help.

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 03:13

Zitat von »jdgb99«


I had a problem like yours nor USB aquastream xt neither aquaero were recognised by aquasuite after windows xp start and I've found this only happens when starting aquasuite with an USB pen tablet device connected.

I start windows with this device unpluged and start aquasuite, this way every thing works fine and I can plug the USB pen tablet later if I need to.

I can also atart windows and unplug the tablet just before start aquasuite.

Hope this will help.

OMG this works for me but i unplug my "microsoft optical keyboard and mouse" works a treat :).
I guess you need to change the order windows loads the device drivers..




Junior Member

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 17:09

Nope it doesn work properly for me.
Removed all the other usb devices and did 5 reboots.
I can connect to the pump about 2 of te 5 reboots though.
Looks totally random, when the pump-usb doesnt work after boot I can get it to work after removal-re-detect-and update of the drivers in dev-management.


Junior Member

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Freitag, 6. Juni 2008, 03:40

maybe this can be fixed in an new firmware so that I can finally use the €20 features ive bought on it.
I guess its a simple driver loading problem, tried all internal usb ports. Also the pump isnt detected/detectable at all after boot. This problem really should be fixed.

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Freitag, 6. Juni 2008, 18:21

We are already at firmware version 1017 and also the USB communication has been improved ;)


Junior Member

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Freitag, 6. Juni 2008, 22:07

Ok, where can i download it?
Its not yet in your support section.
I also have a question, can I use an USB to lpt converter to connect the lpt flashing cable to my pc?

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Samstag, 7. Juni 2008, 03:26

It is always included in the latest aquasuite version.

An USB to parallel port adapter will not work.


Junior Member

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008, 13:10

Did anybody try to update the firmware yet, will it fix the detection problem?
I havent been able to because I dont have a parralel port on my motherboard :-/


Junior Member

Re: Aquastream XT USB detection in windows!

Montag, 1. Dezember 2008, 10:39

Well, I finally managed to flash the pump to the 1017 frimware by borrowing a friends computer and ordering the flashing cable from aqua-computer. Now my problems are gone and the pump is detected normally each boot.
The next step is to update it from standart version to extreme.


Montag, 2. März 2009, 21:40

I have a similar problem, though a bit worse ... ;(
My Aquastream XT (ultra) is not detected by the aquasuite, not in Xp, not in Vista, not in windows7
I have read reports that Asus motherboards are experiencing difficulties with the USB connection, but my USB does not seem to work at all ...
I did check and dublecheck the correct colour coding of the cables.
The pump is working ok, though I'd like to slow it down a biot as it is pumping at maximum power all the time.
I bought the ultra to be able to controll the pump, but it doesn't seem to work at all. :(
I read here above that flashing the pump's bios might help, but how would I be able to flash if communication with the pump is not working ?
Professional Crasher :thumbsup:

Dienstag, 3. März 2009, 06:59

Something to keep in mind: AC's USB wiring is exactly opposite to most motherboards, On the AC equipment the red color (hot pin) is pin 5. On the motherboard pin 1 is the hot pin.

If that is okay and you have used multiple USB cables then a flash might be in order. Unfortunately you will need a special cable to do this, IIRC. I think Shoggy could give you a pin out on how to make a cable, but they are all at CeBIT right now so you might have to wait a while for an answer.

Dienstag, 3. März 2009, 09:31

Yes, I noticed from the manual that the red wire is supposed to be on the outboard-side of the pump connector.
Still, I may have plugged it incorrectly at the mobo's end. I will try to switch it 180° at that end, to see if that helps
Though I think I tried this before, with no effect. Could the pump's electronics have been damaged caused by the wrong connector ??

I also read that in order to flash you need that special cable that you can order on this website plus an usb connection with the mobo.
And if this usb is not working I doubt if I would be able to flash ...
(I think I'll still order that cable though)

I tried with the usb cable turned around in the mobo. No change. The pump is absolutely invisible to the system.
I ordered the flash-cable, so I'll wait for that to arrive. I hope that I will be able to flash by this cable alone, and I wonder what to do if the USB turns out to be defective ? ... would it be possible to replace the control module ?
I see that an "upgrade set" can be ordered (for quite an amount of money !, almost 60% of what this pump has cost me) that has identical parts as my pump already has.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PvHooijdonk« (4. März 2009, 11:19)

Professional Crasher :thumbsup:

Mittwoch, 4. März 2009, 13:08

Just thought of something else to look at. Go into the Device Manager and see if you have a HID device that isn't correct. If you do then delete it and when you reboot it should come up right. I had some problems before with USB - HID devices being borked on Asus boards. Alternatively you can disable it and then re-enable it as well.

Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 15:19

There are no HID devices in the Device manager list that had any errors or an unknown origin,
I disabled/enabled all of them, just to be sure ... no Effect whatsoever.
which make me believe even stronger that the USB of this pump is not functioning AT ALL.
I just got a mesage from AC that the flash-cable has been send so I will wait for that to arrive, and try to flash first, but I am afraid that I have a defective controller on my pump and I have't got high hope for tha flashing ....
Professional Crasher :thumbsup:


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 18:34

Hi Guys

I gave up trying to fix this problem as my support requests where never answered.

My pump has continually run in it's frequency finding mode since i bought the full system.

Otherwise it's been great.




Junior Member

Sonntag, 8. März 2009, 17:14

Hi Guys

the total lack of interest from anyone at AquaComputer sort of sums up support if your not German speaking.

I spent about 1,000 euros here and have had almost zero support which is a real failing as the hardware is top quality but sadly the support is not.

Shoggy replied once when i first asked why it was not seeing the Aquastream pump and i was told that it was my PC (which sees all other manufacturers USB devices without any problems)

I guess that it must be a language barrier problem but almost every German Person i have ever met has spoken better English than most English people do so find it very odd.

But saying that i would still buy new AC stuff as i have had zero problems with ordering and delivery of anything i have ordered from these guys.


Rick :S

Sonntag, 8. März 2009, 19:55

Quoted from another post:
Right now you are running into two things:
- first it's Cebit
- second one the biggest Lan events is taking place

Spec: Lian Li V1000, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, Asus P5N32-E SLI, Asus GeForce 8800GTX, 4096MB Kingston HyperX Dual Channel, 2x WD Caviar Black 1TB
Watercooled by Aqua Computer

Sonntag, 8. März 2009, 20:15

I disagree about that statement. However, perhaps they tire of people who don't want to use the search function. A lot of technical information is available on this forum and elsewhere (bit-tech, [H]ardForum, WizD, and other English speaking sites.

How well do you think support at Swiftech would be in a German speaking sub-forum? IIRC, there are only a couple of guys at AC that are able to converse fluently in English. And they all have regular jobs at AC that they do from 9-5 as well.

I currently have a post here as well that hasn't been answered, but considering what is going on I really didn't expect an answer till next week sometime. :sleeping: Now if I was in a hurry (and I already had the parts) I would just plug it all in and find out for myself. :D

I also sent in a request for price and delivery to AC Berlin for a few hundred Euro's last week and didn't even dream I would get an answer back till next week.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Top_Nurse« (8. März 2009, 20:51)