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Zitat von »degoe«
With this post I would like to ask you for your help/support.
I have the Aquastream XT standard pump installed in my system running Windows XP.
It is connected with USB, 12v and tachosignal cable.
When I connect the pump to USB while in windows (or after reboot without the pump installed) it detects it like it should and shows up as an USB-HID controller in Device management.
Aquasuite works properly then.
But after a reboot windows fails to detect the pump automatically and it shows up like an unstarted USB-HID device in the device management.
It doesn’t detect the pump in aquasuite, somehow it loses the drivers/config for detecting the pump after a reboot on my system.
After I manually remove the defective USB-HID from device management and press “Search for changed devices” (translation) it re-detects the pump and installs it properly again.
It is also often needed to manually search for the USB-HID driver from the device management.
Is this normal, I assume its not.
I own an Asus P5N32-e-sli plus motherboard and the pump is
connected to the internal USB connector.
Could it be the problem that my motherboard doesnt detect the pump or is it that the pumps firmware is incompatible?
Can you help me find the source of this problem and solve it?
Pump information:
Frimware 1011
Bootloader 102
Zitat von »jdgb99«
I had a problem like yours nor USB aquastream xt neither aquaero were recognised by aquasuite after windows xp start and I've found this only happens when starting aquasuite with an USB pen tablet device connected.
I start windows with this device unpluged and start aquasuite, this way every thing works fine and I can plug the USB pen tablet later if I need to.
I can also atart windows and unplug the tablet just before start aquasuite.
Hope this will help.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PvHooijdonk« (4. März 2009, 11:19)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Top_Nurse« (8. März 2009, 20:51)