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Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 16:36

First off all, I want to appologize for My English Post, I'm from Holland and I'm not that great at Writing German, I can Read it though.

But I just don't want you to miss my Aquacomputer cooled Lian-Li pictures.

Its a Big Case, Realy Big.

Much room.

Close-up of the Aquatube reservoir and the Airplex evo 360

AMD And the Cuplex

CPU and Chipset

Nice view :P

Just enjoy (Clickable)









Specs and performance:
Case:              Lian Li pc70 usb
Motherboards:  ASUS A7N8X Deluxe rev 2.0 (Uber bios 1007)
CPU:               AMD XP 2600+ (Barton @ 2150 11,5 x 190 )
Mem:               2 x 512MB Kinston HyperX pc3200 (DC)
Video:             ATI Radeon 9700 pro @ 365/335
Storage:          2 x 160GB 7200rpm Maxtor SATA in RAID 0
/ DVD rw/ CD RW

Please comments :D

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 16:41

Very Cool B)

Warum benutzt du diesen Schlauchüberzug?

(pls. just try to write german, the ac people are very intelligent ;D )
Also 6/8er AC-Pur Schläuche sind für Ich-lieg-aufm-Boden-oder-bin-am-Schreibtisch-und-beide-Hände-wolln-nicht-von-der-Tastatur-weg 1L-Pet und 0,5er Bierflaschen geniale Mehrwegstrohhalme!

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 16:44

Zitat von »Ma«

Very Cool B)

Warum benutzt du diesen Schlauchüberzug?

(pls. just try to write german, the ac people are very intelligent ;D )

I just love how they look, and no, when I wil try too write German, You will al laugh :P

ow, some speedtests :) http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8039703

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 16:46

Really cool. I will move it to the selfmade forum ;)

edit: mhh, someone else was a bit faster than me *g*

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 16:47

oh dear, just try, u wont die :)

aber ansonsten:
scharfes case :)
Also 6/8er AC-Pur Schläuche sind für Ich-lieg-aufm-Boden-oder-bin-am-Schreibtisch-und-beide-Hände-wolln-nicht-von-der-Tastatur-weg 1L-Pet und 0,5er Bierflaschen geniale Mehrwegstrohhalme!



Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 16:52

looks really cool!The only thing i dont like is the fan Control!

greets saUerkraut

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 17:01

Zitat von »saUerkraut«

The only thing i dont like is the fan Control!

When you paint it in the same color as the LianLi it would be perfect.

I like the Case, but theres a bit to much space, i think, but its well done.


Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 17:04

Sauberer Arbeit!
Ich find die Duschschläuche super, gefallen mir!

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 17:05

Zitat von »saUerkraut«

looks really cool!The only thing i dont like is the fan Control!

greets saUerkraut

You are right, The plan is, to use an old Lian Li Bezel for the new front, zo it wil be te same collor, but this is stil in planning :P

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 17:24

nice one! :D

i expecially like the tubing, it gives your rig that certain "machine"-like touch ;)
8) there is no gravity - the world sucks 8)

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 17:57

Zitat von »KampfSchwein«

nice one! :D

i expecially like the tubing, it gives your rig that certain "machine"-like touch ;)

Yes indeed, I also want to "stealth"a part of the motherboard, with some piece of chrome plastic, so more cables will be hidden.

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:07

Zitat von »Jack«

link=board=2;num=1092919060;start=0#6 date=08/19/04 um 15:01:02]
When you paint it in the same color as the LianLi it would be perfect.

I like the Case, but theres a bit to much space, i think, but its well done.


I needed the room for the long evo 360 and the reservoir, and I always was the Guy with the big cases :P

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:11

Looks really good!

Da Bilder bekanntlich mehr als Worte sagen:

;D ;D ;D


Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:17

Zitat von »Jack«

link=board=2;num=1092919060;start=0#12 date=08/19/04 um 16:11:45]Looks really good!

;D ;D ;D


Danke Ripper :D

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:23

Zitat von »Darksand«

Danke Ripper :D

Wow! Sein erstes Deutsches Wort! ;D ;D ;D


Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:25

nice one i like the tubing very much maybe this is an idea for my next project too

regards Slazer ;)
WoW Status Magier / Mensch lvl 60 Berufe Schneidern 300 und Verzaubern 291 Erste Hilfe 300 server : Alextrasza(PVE) Charname : Portanius

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:27

Zitat von »Jack«

link=board=2;num=1092919060;start=0#14 date=08/19/04 um 16:23:41]

Wow! Sein erstes Deutsches Wort! ;D ;D ;D


Jah, ich kann das Deutsch ja gut verstehen, aber ich kann es nicht gut schreiben da ich einen falschen keyboard habe :P

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:39

Der Rechner gefällt mir wirklich gut! Sieht echt hammer aus!

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:39

Great Case!
It's really s.t. new! And new ideas are insperation.
Suche Bücher von Tanenbaum und Galileo (auch Video-Training) - bitte KM! [img] http://www.aqua-computer-berlin.de/logo.png [/img]

Re: Aquacomputer Cooled AMD (superb Pictures)

Donnerstag, 19. August 2004, 18:42

Zitat von »Katzenfreund@«

Great Case!
It's really s.t. new! And new ideas are insperation.

The material from Aquacomputer.de are realy superb, I was even thinking to buy the Silver version of the Cuplex, but it was too expensive for me.

But the materials have a very nice finish, and look great, also the radiator evo 360 is very good.