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AquaStream / AquaBay / AquaTube questions

Montag, 15. November 2004, 07:12

I am doing layout drawings for a new system utilizing Aqua Computer cooling. Case will be the Lian-Li PC-V1200B.

1. If the Aquastream pump is mounted in the AquaBay, can the Full Metal Jacket be applied? Or does the FMJ'd pump need to be mounted elsewhere in the case?

2. If the pump and AquaTube 1.1 are mounted in an AquaBay, are the three rear connections of the AquaTube (and thus the AquaJet) still usable?

3. How deep (measured from the front faceplate) is the Aquaero with the Aquastream control panel installed on its rear? Need to know this to figure out exact positioning for the Evo240 reservoir at top of the case, assuming I go with an interior placement. Exterior mounting with the new bracket is another option, which would free up the top bay and also allow me to go to an Evo360.

Re: AquaStream / AquaBay / AquaTube questions

Montag, 15. November 2004, 12:19


1. no. it wouldn't fit. the FMJ'd AS (aquastream) must be mounted some else.

2. no. (maybe one of the connector us useable. but i don't think so)

3. sorry. i don't know
von all den dingen die mir sind verloren gegangen,
habe ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen

Re: AquaStream / AquaBay / AquaTube questions

Mittwoch, 17. November 2004, 05:09

Thanks for the helpful information.