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English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 06:14

Any chance us foreigners could have a
English section please ?


Ice Tea

Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 07:56

welcome to the forum!

i don't think an english section will open soon since the flow of non-german-speaking people here is...well, not that good.
you can go ahead and ask every question you have in english, but if you want just to read stuff it could become a little problem :-/

edit: guess i was wrong.
(14:03:23) (Cerbis_Latran) Dude, uhm. Do me a personal favor?
(14:03:51) (Eliza) what is it?
(14:04:04) (Cerbis_Latran) Never kill anyone. You'd enjoy it far too much.

Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 11:03


we will try to open an english section on the boards. It will be available in a few minutes.


Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 11:29

nice 2 have. 8)

great idea, would be a pleasure for all to help the english speaking customers and friends of aqua-computer.

Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 11:42

hello, ei äm eike

Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 13:06

nice 8)

so go conquer the world, AC ;D
C programmers never die. They are just cast into void. Neues moddingtech.de Portal online!

Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 22:37

great idea ! ;D
Kennen Sie Ted?

Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 23:54

such a nice idea to extend the forums for english "foreigners" ;)

Well done AC

Regards TrOuble

PS :

ei äm träuble ;)



Re: English Section ?

Freitag, 12. November 2004, 01:38

well i think you aren't träuble

i think your called trabbel ;)


i am baddy

Re: English Section ?

Freitag, 12. November 2004, 02:13

A big Thanks for the English section

Im intrested in the hypersys development


I dont have any Questions but im sure i and others
will when it goes into full production


Thanks again

Ice Tea

Re: English Section ?

Donnerstag, 18. November 2004, 15:13

Zitat von »Ice_Tea«

A big Thanks for the English section

Im intrested in the hypersys development


I dont have any Questions but im sure i and others
will when it goes into full production


Thanks again

Ice Tea

This is great news I love aqua-computer's equipment.
I am in the process of building a H20 cooled system with more than a few AQ components. This forum could be very helpful


Junior Member

Re: English Section ?

Dienstag, 23. November 2004, 01:04

Great, now I have to frequent 2 forums for customer support. Thanks for the English sections too AC. :)

Was an early adopter of Aqua-Computer watercooling in the U.S.