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Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 13:12

??? Ok I have resently purchased the Aquareo USB V3.07 and also the Aquastream with the 1.07 Firmware but apon opening the Aquareo I have noticed it has the 12v plug for the Ehime pump does this mean that I don't actually require the Aquastream??? is the mounting for an aditional pump controler? ???

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 14:06

whith the aquaero you are able to control 2 aquastreams.
von all den dingen die mir sind verloren gegangen,
habe ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 14:08

Zitat von »NikoMo«

whith the aquaero you are able to control 2 aquastreams.

So the mounting is bolts on the back of the Aquaero is for a secondary Aquastream while the Primary is built into the Aquaero?

So basicly I now have an extra AquaStream! ::)


Junior Member

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 16:27

Please do not be confused here, the Aquaero does not have a water pump feature, it only can provide control over the Aquastream pump. If you only currently have 1 pump (the Aquastream) you have the option of installing the pump's 3.5" control panel onto the rear of the Aquaero. If you wanted to run 2 Aquastream pumps in one or even two cooling loops you can also have this second pump controlled by the same Aquaero.

Was an early adopter of Aqua-Computer watercooling in the U.S.

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 16:30

Mhhh, I can't really follow your thoughts.

The controller of the Aquastream can be mounted on the backside of the Aquaero. If you take a look at this picture you can see a bit of this construction and you will see a small cable. It connects the Aquaero with the Aquastream to supply it with current and to exchange data.

If you want to connect two Aquastreams to the Aquaero you will need two Aquastreams V3.0 and an other connection cable with an additional connector.

The second controller needs to be mounted somewhere else.

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 17:25

Ok maybe a picture will help:

As you can see both the Aquaero & Aquastream have the 12v output for the actual pump (Highlighted in red) so I was supposing that the Aquaero could control the pump without the Aquastream controller

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 18:35

Hehe, if you had taken a look in the manual you would know that this is the relay-connector.

It can be use to turn off your PC in case of emergency (e.g. too high temperature).

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Samstag, 27. November 2004, 19:37

Zitat von »Shoggy«

Hehe, if you had taken a look in the manual you would know that this is the relay-connector.

It can be use to turn off your PC in case of emergency (e.g. too high temperature).

Whats a manual?
;) ;D ;D

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Sonntag, 28. November 2004, 11:47

Zitat von »Shoggy«

Hehe, if you had taken a look in the manual you would know that this is the relay-connector.

It can be use to turn off your PC in case of emergency (e.g. too high temperature).

Ahh thank you in my manual there was a mistyped and it's called a Relais....and I had no idea what a Relais was, thanks for clearing that up! ;D

Re: Aquaero & Aquastream Mounting?

Sonntag, 28. November 2004, 13:20

well... that's not exactly misstyped... it's just the german word for relay...