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Aquaero unknown Device

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004, 03:26

Hey all need help after installing my Aquero, after connecting all the sensors and plugging it it Device manager reports it as an unknown device then after installing the software I get the error " No Aquero Found"

Re: Aquaero unknown Device

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004, 04:09

Panic over worked out the problem all is well!~ ;D


Junior Member

Re: Aquaero unknown Device

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004, 04:10

I'm assuming you checked your USB connection and can verify that your USB headers are functioning properly? The cable may not be seated properly with the USB header or you may need to reverse the installation. ???

Re: Aquaero unknown Device

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004, 22:34

Nice that your problem could be solved ::). If you need an "cosmetic" effect, you can use this driver, but it only has the Effect to have the nam "Aquaero v.3.07" instead of "HID-Deviece" in the device-manager, the "main driver" is the same as the windows-default ;).

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