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aquagratiX800 + Asus EAX800XT = Problem?

Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 14:33


Recently i bought the aquagratiX800 waterblock for X800-Serie to my Asus EAX800XT, but i'm not abel to install the block. This is becuasue of the fact that the fanconnector on the grafikcard is in the way and i can't tie the screws.

I've email the support but havent get any answers so i thought i try here inte forum and see if someone can help me here.

all help is appreciated.

Re: aquagratiX800 + Asus EAX800XT = Problem?

Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 15:15

hi, and welcome at this board :)

you got this card. right?

the problem is, that the aquagratiX800 cooling block will only fit with agp-x800 graphiccards. the pci-express cards have another layout.

i think it's the best way to write an e-mail to support@aqua-computer.de. maybe they will take it back.
and please note: mails can take a few days before you get a reply. ac is very busy at the moment, due to comming X-mas.
von all den dingen die mir sind verloren gegangen,
habe ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen

Re: aquagratiX800 + Asus EAX800XT = Problem?

Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 15:24

Thank u for the reply...Yes i have the PCI-E format så that might be the problem. I've emailed them so i well wait for further information ro the return...

Re: aquagratiX800 + Asus EAX800XT = Problem?

Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 22:06

If you dont know if it fits, better ask first...

The people in this board are fast... ;D