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Full Member

Position fans on radiator

Sonntag, 16. Januar 2005, 19:31

Does it matter if I fit the fans on top of the radiator, and thus suck the air through the radiotor. Or mount the fans under the radiatir and blow the air trough.

Most of the time I see the first solution. But I would rather use the last one, so my harddisk will fit better :)

Re: Position fans on radiator

Sonntag, 16. Januar 2005, 19:50

just do what suits better, it does not matter ;)

but if you want to use one of the evos, you might need the docking modul, because the radiators have only mounting holes on one side!
Verwende keine sinnlose Gewalt. Hol einen größeren Hammer.


Full Member

Re: Position fans on radiator

Sonntag, 16. Januar 2005, 19:57

Thanks I was hoping for that answer :) I use an airplex evo 240, and I mount it internally.


Junior Member

Re: Position fans on radiator

Dienstag, 18. Januar 2005, 03:06

Zitat von »Beun«

Thanks I was hoping for that answer :) I use an airplex evo 240, and I mount it internally.

Same here. I have it on the top panel of my Lian Li PC7077 case with 2 fans pulling air in towards the rad. I the fans reversed, pulling air from inside the case out the top, but my temps were terrible. I'm going to use the mounting brackets on an EVO 120 in another case with 2 fans to cool an older P3 core Celeron.