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Junior Member

DDC and Aquero

Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2005, 02:38


=>Seeing that you now sell the Laing DDC with a tachometer wire, is it possible to connect it to the aquero the same way as with a AS? If it can be done have you tested it and are the results obtained reliable?

=>Will it also be possible to connect the Variable speed input and Speed control, (a feature that the Apple G5 has in order to give the pump more performance) to the Aquero, in the same manner of the AS?


Junior Member

DDC and Aquero

Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2005, 13:35

Come on guys, can you give some topics on this?

Re: DDC and Aquero

Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2005, 13:50

the only way i can see in which the aquaero could control the pump is by connecting it to one of the fan connectors
but this wouldn't be recommendable, the pump could easily burn out that output (it needs much more power than a fan...)

all you can do at the moment is to connect the tachometer wire (and ONLY this one) to the ae so you can at least display the speed it's running at

if you don't need the power of the laing pump (which i really doubt) the aquastream might be the better choice, the laing is a bit louder... ;)


Junior Member

Re: DDC and Aquero

Freitag, 21. Januar 2005, 02:27

O.K, I see, but then the Aquastream controller might do it, don't you think, I mean will it be possible to use this controller to connect the DDC Laing pump to it?

Re: DDC and Aquero

Freitag, 21. Januar 2005, 07:13

sorry, but this won't work, the pumps are too different
the as needs about 9v ac (generated by it's controller) and is controlled by changing the frequency where the laing ddc uses 12v dc and could in this case only be controlled by changing the voltage


Junior Member

Re: DDC and Aquero

Freitag, 21. Januar 2005, 15:23

O.K, thanks.


Junior Member

Re: DDC and Aquero

Samstag, 5. Februar 2005, 02:18

Just saw your projected acrylic top for the DDC.
Any information on when it will be available for sale?


Junior Member

Re: DDC and Aquero

Dienstag, 8. Februar 2005, 02:25

Come on people, with this new acrylic top and the recent news of a "special" mod giving the DDC some extra power it would be nice to see, so can you give me an answer when it will be available?

Re: DDC and Aquero

Dienstag, 8. Februar 2005, 02:26

"it´s done when it´s done"


Junior Member

Re: DDC and Aquero

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2005, 18:35

Zitat von »@re@50«

"it´s done when it´s done"

I see. Well, that specific kind of answer leads to another question:
why then announcing something (in this case a simple cad drawing) that will only be available a a product in 6 months time or never like the hipersys? ::)
Pure marketing hype?

Re: DDC and Aquero

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2005, 22:29

thats normally here ^^
i dont understand it too, but after 2 jears ac it is "normally" :P :P
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