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XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Montag, 28. Februar 2005, 20:25

I just bought the aquagrafx for my XFX6600GT AGP. But it ain't fit right. The core won't touch the block. There is a space of 1mm between the block and the 6600GT core.
Also i find the construction doubtfull. It seems to me that screws do not optimal spreat the pressure. The four screws that will attach the block are mostly positioned on the back of the block. What will cause that the block is not pussed to the card in de front due the lift effect. And in the front is the memory.
Sadly nvidia did not make more holes in the card ;)

The core problem could be een XFX fault, maybe the didn't aply the reference disign.

Are there more people who experience this problem?

(Sorry for my bad English)

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Dienstag, 22. März 2005, 16:28

Nobody got the same problem?

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Dienstag, 22. März 2005, 20:00

Just a guess, but perhaps you need a revision 2 card? There has been a similar problem in the USA where a lot of reference cards didn't fit the GT and some of the Ultra cards.

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Dienstag, 22. März 2005, 21:39

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

Just a guess, but perhaps you need a revision 2 card? There has been a similar problem in the USA where a lot of reference cards didn't fit the GT and some of the Ultra cards.

I have the first revision so that could be the problem.

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Mittwoch, 23. März 2005, 16:26

According to our info there's no 2nd revision of aquagraFX 6600. There are of course 2 different versions (AGP and PE) but only one revision. ;)

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Mittwoch, 23. März 2005, 21:27

Zitat von »IT-TRADE.NET«

According to our info there's no 2nd revision of aquagraFX 6600. There are of course 2 different versions (AGP and PE) but only one revision. ;)

No i mean 2nd revision card, not coolblock :)

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Donnerstag, 24. März 2005, 09:19

Zitat von »DaMightyWackO«

No i mean 2nd revision card, not coolblock :)

Just to clarify: In the USA we noticed that coolers made for 6800 class cards would not fit correctly for some GT versions and almost all the Ultra versions. So here in the colonies you will see version 1 and version 2 waterblocks for sale. This pretty much applied all around the industry. Don't know if that applies to A-C parts or not.

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Donnerstag, 24. März 2005, 10:26

ahh, that sounds comprehensible to me ;)

just because a few customers asked me for revision 2 6600-coolers and I found out that they got the idea from this thread - so it seems that I'm not the only one who misunderstood. ;D

Re: XFX6600GT AGP AquaGraFX Doesn't fit

Donnerstag, 24. März 2005, 16:31

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

Just to clarify:  In the USA we noticed that coolers made for 6800 class cards would not fit correctly for some GT versions and almost all the Ultra versions.  So here in the colonies you will see version 1 and version 2 waterblocks for sale.  This pretty much applied all around the industry.  Don't know if that applies to A-C parts or not.  

I have a 6600GT no 6800. So i should not have the problem. But i have one of the First 6600GT's that were on the market. So maybe in newer revisions they raised the core a little bit, or lowered the memory a bit, so the AquagraFX will fit.