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New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Mittwoch, 30. März 2005, 12:41

Where can I download a copy of the new AquaSuite software that was supposed to be available this week? Also can I assume that the Multi-Switch and Tube Meter are out as well? If so can you please give me the part (article) numbers? :)

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Mittwoch, 30. März 2005, 16:17

The software isn't available yet.

(No, I have no clue when it will be available)

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Mittwoch, 30. März 2005, 23:51

Bummer :'(

If you guys know whether they need some English input on the beta I would be willing to help out if I can. I have done beta testing for other software before.

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Freitag, 8. April 2005, 13:09

I have been perusing the Aquaero forum and noticed a lot of talk about the new Aquaero version 4 hardware being shipped with a version 3.99 firmware that appears to be quite buggy. When will the version 4 firmware be released? Or at least a firmware revision that fixes the bugs (like a 3.991)?

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Freitag, 8. April 2005, 17:14

it's done when it's done.
Suche Bücher von Tanenbaum und Galileo (auch Video-Training) - bitte KM! [img] http://www.aqua-computer-berlin.de/logo.png [/img]

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Freitag, 8. April 2005, 17:30

Zitat von »Katzenfreund«

it's done when it's done.

How German ;) So what does that mean? Next week, next month, next year?

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Freitag, 8. April 2005, 17:32

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

How German ;) So what does that mean? Next week, next month, next year?

Means it'll be done when its done ::)
Just have patience.

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Freitag, 8. April 2005, 17:44

There won't be any dates any more, said Dino, they have learned, that it's better to show finished products. So, keep on waiting, the last thing I heard from Sebastian (the Ae-Developer) was, that they have to fix some problems with the software of the Multiswitch and "Füllstand-Sensor". So I hope it's done quite soon ;).
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Freitag, 8. April 2005, 21:45

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

How German ;)

What do you mean?
Thies phrase was created by value.
Suche Bücher von Tanenbaum und Galileo (auch Video-Training) - bitte KM! [img] http://www.aqua-computer-berlin.de/logo.png [/img]

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Samstag, 9. April 2005, 01:30

Zitat von »Katzenfreund«

What do you mean?
Thies phrase was created by value.

Well now it is my turn to say I don't understand ;D

In the USA Germans are known for being a very industrious hard working people. They are also known for their terse statements ;)

I should know as well because both sides of my family are from Germany. My last name is also very German :-*

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Samstag, 9. April 2005, 04:08

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

Well now it is my turn to say I don't understand ;D

I will translate:


What do you mean?
Thies phrase was created by value.

This phrase was created by valve ;) ;D

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Samstag, 9. April 2005, 14:33



in fact this one comes directly from 3d realms


The release date of this game is "When it's done". Anything else, and we mean anything else is someone's speculation. There is no date. We don't know any date. If you have a friend who claims they have "inside info", or there's some game news site, or some computer store at the mall who claims they know - they do not. They are making it up. There is no date. Period.

btw: if we would know a date we would tell you, waiting is the only thing you can do at the moment...

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Samstag, 9. April 2005, 15:09

Zitat von »r1ppch3n«



in fact this one comes directly from 3d realms

btw: if we would know a date we would tell you, waiting is the only thing you can do at the moment...

Was it not said in connection with HL2? ???

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Samstag, 9. April 2005, 16:40

isn't it the release date of Duke Nukem 4ever??? ;D ;D

serious: afaik it was id-software :) since quake3 and later on D3
[table][tr][td] [/td][td]


kaum denkt man, die dummheit hat ihre untere grenze erreicht, kommt schon der nächste zum limbo-contest um die ecke...
Y0Gi [/td][/tr][/table]

Re: New Aquaero AquaSuite software

Samstag, 9. April 2005, 22:13

Well now you might think that was a statement created by some game developer, but it was probably first heard when Man told God that the Ark was going to be done when it is done. God then said well the rain will be done when it is done so hurry the hell up. ;D

So if the problem is with some piece of hardware that hasn't even been released for sale why don't you guys release the firmware with the fixes to get rid of the bugs in the 3.99 firmware? :-/ ::)