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Last post on A-C supply issues!

Freitag, 15. April 2005, 21:48

As you know I was not pleased with the current state of supply for Aqua Computer products here in the USA a while back. Since then I managed to get the products I wanted ordered in a timely manner and arranged for all of you to get them on an on-going basis through other USA distributors. I suppose that the only reason someone should want $$ now from you before shipment from a USA distributor would be if you are ordering a non-stock item and don't have a credit card on file with the vendor in question.

So the moral of this story is to never accept the status quo if you don't like what is happening. You have the power to change your life and not put up with other people's or companies B.S. I decided a month ago that if I couldn't get a product the way I wanted it to happen then I was going to go get some other product and "be happy" with it. It was really easy to find someone who wanted to make money and expand their current product line-up. ;D

So what is left to do now huh? Well I want to go back to being a wicked modifier of all things that go snap, crackle, and pop. So I will leave the business of computer supply to the people who do it best. I want to go back to being a happy go lucky nurse and talk about all the new stuff in [H] circles without being bothered about problems in supply and demand. So if you have a problem in this area please talk with your vendor to get it straightened out and if that doesn't work come here and rag on them for a while, but please leave me out of it. However, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't try to help out my fellow [H]ardForum members. 8)

Re: Last post on A-C supply issues!

Samstag, 16. April 2005, 22:02

Hahaha... Way to go Top_Nurse!
Top notch. ;D
Men may control the free world, but women control the boobs. Brent in Player vs. Player