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Aquastream Warranty issue

Montag, 2. Mai 2005, 08:55

If I cut back that gigantic power cord coming out of the Aquastream am I going to void my warranty? I'm using it with an Aquaero in an Aquabay AT and it only needs to be about 150 mm long at the most.


Junior Member

Re: Aquastream Warranty issue

Montag, 2. Mai 2005, 16:07

I would assume you would void your warranty however i dare say it would be down to the discretion of the retailer you buy it from. Check with them first.

Re: Aquastream Warranty issue

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2005, 00:55

Thanks Jessica :) I checked with my dealer here in the states and he said it wasn't a problem as far as he was concerned in my particular instance. However, I wouldn't want anyone to draw a conclusion that anyone else can do this. Some people might hook it up incorrectly and let the magic smoke out. :'(