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Coolant sensor and Multi-switch

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2005, 09:27

When can we order the Multi-Switch and Coolant Sensor? How much and what is part number?


Re: Coolant sensor and Multi-switch

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2005, 13:55

They should be available when the new firmware is released. Last Wednesday they released the firmware and it was a little desaster (some aquaeros where broken after the firmware-update, like mine :'(). In the firmware thread they said, that they have found the problem and will release a working firmware soon - so you wonÄt have to wait a long time till you can order the multiswitch an the [what is a coolant-sensor?] tubemeter ;).
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."

Re: Coolant sensor and Multi-switch

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2005, 23:58

That's right. Both products will be released real soon. ;)

Re: Coolant sensor and Multi-switch

Montag, 9. Mai 2005, 13:52

Thanks all for the info. I think I will go bug my dealer to order some for me ;D A tubemeter measures coolant (H20) in the Aquatube so a coolant sensor is a tubemeter that senses the coolant level, right? Therefore coolant sensor = tubemeter. ;) :)

Re: Coolant sensor and Multi-switch

Montag, 9. Mai 2005, 13:53

Zitat von »x-stars«

They should be available when the new firmware is released. Last Wednesday they released the firmware and it was a little desaster (some aquaeros where broken after the firmware-update, like mine :'(). In the firmware thread they said, that they have found the problem and will release a working firmware soon - so you wonÄt have to wait a long time till you can order the multiswitch an the [what is a coolant-sensor?] tubemeter ;).

It's already been released ;D