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Aquaero 3.xx => 4.xx upgrade procedure

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2005, 14:30

Hi all.

I've noticed that Aquasuite 1.0 beta 3 and Aquaero OS-Update 2.03 are available for download. :)

Inside the downloadable archive file aquaero_os_loader3.zip there is a .pdf file that seems to explain very accurately the exact procedure for upgrading.

I would appreciate a lot if this .pdf file could be translated to english, so that I can safely upgrade my Aquaero... (I've hardware 4.0 & software 3.99D).

As far as I've understood in the Aquaero german forum, some people had trouble while upgrading and I would avoid a trip back to Germany for my device.

Best regards.

Re: Aquaero 3.xx => 4.xx upgrade procedure

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2005, 16:25


(note that this isn't a official translation)

Re: Aquaero 3.xx => 4.xx upgrade procedure

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2005, 16:52

if i buy a new aquaero, does it comes preloaded with the new firmware, or will i have to do this myself? cheers

Re: Aquaero 3.xx => 4.xx upgrade procedure

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2005, 17:06

Zitat von »Mr_modnaR«

if i buy a new aquaero, does it comes preloaded with the new firmware ? cheers


Re: Aquaero 3.xx => 4.xx upgrade procedure

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2005, 19:06

Zitat von »Shoggy«


(note that this isn't a official translation)

Thanks a lot. I did follow this procedure and my Aquaero is now running OS v2.03 and firmware v4.05 ! :D

Best regards.

Re: Aquaero 3.xx => 4.xx upgrade procedure

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2005, 19:30

Congratulations ;D