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Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Dienstag, 19. April 2005, 22:37

Guten Morgen,

As the title says, is it possible to convert an Aquaero LCD to VFD? I noticed in your online store you sell the vfd screens by themselves. I currently own an Aquaero 3.07 LCD and now wish I had bought the VFD version. Would it be possible to purchase the VFD screen, download the correct firmware, and convert my Aquaero into the VFD version?

Ich bin Ausländer und sprechen nicht gut Deutsch

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Dienstag, 19. April 2005, 23:14

I asked the same question a while back as I was wondering whether I could get an Aquaero LT and add the screen on here in the USA. Shoggy says that it is not a problem so I think the answer is YES!

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Mittwoch, 20. April 2005, 00:29

I said the shop has the displays and the text says the dispalys could be used for retrofitting but I have no clue if it really works.

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Mittwoch, 20. April 2005, 02:26

i'm not so sure you can. afaik A-C use noritake VFDs and Crystalfontz LCDs and i would have thought they would have different interfaces, could you not link the display to the jaLCDs program and display the info on it that way?

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Mittwoch, 20. April 2005, 05:30

Yes, I know they have different interfaces. The question is really: Is the VFD firmware capable of converting an originally LCD equipped Aquaero into a VFD Aquaero, or not?

Hopefully someone who knows the answer will respond...
Ich bin Ausländer und sprechen nicht gut Deutsch

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Mittwoch, 20. April 2005, 11:07

New Information:

I read the description of the VFD screens in the online store here and am now really confused as to whether or not it will work. The screens can be purchased under the category "ersatzteile" or "replacement parts." Makes it sound like you can buy a new one if you break it, but doesn't support my theory of lcd -> vfd screen swapping. But then I read the product description.  Here's the product description for the VFD Screens you can buy in the online shop here:

"Ersatzdisplay für aquaero und zum Nachrüsten am aquaero LT. Hochwertiges VF-Display (original Noritake), 2x20 Zeichen, parallele Ansteuerung, LC-kompatibel. Auch für Bastler interessant."

The first line is interesting. Here's my crappy translation:

"Replacement display for Aquaero and for upgrading the Aquaero LT"

So you can buy a screen and upgrade your Aquaero LT. (there ya go nurse.) Still doesn't answer my original question though. If you bought an Aquaero that came with a screen, can you go from LCD -> VFD or vise versa?


Ich bin Ausländer und sprechen nicht gut Deutsch

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Mittwoch, 20. April 2005, 11:55

Well you can try the old tried and true method of Buy n' Try. ;)

I can't imagine why it wouldn't work. I just can't see some manufacturer making a separate interface just for the VFD and a separate one for the LCD devices as it would be expensive from a logistics point of view. I was told that the Aquaero LT was identical to the regular model except for it had no faceplate and no mounting hardware for putting it in a 5.25" slot. Since no one had ever done it before there was no answer.

So why can't someone from A-C plug a VFD display into an Aquaero LT or LCD vcersion and tells us? Seems like a rather simple operation. Perhaps you should contact A-C direct through their tech support e-mail link. :)

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Mittwoch, 20. April 2005, 13:36

i think it should work, just solder off the LCD and replace it with the vfd from the shop
then flash the vfd firmware (or the other way round)

some members just took the vfd firmware for their lcd version, ((re)flashing was no problem), but then they had off course trouble with the background illumination ;)
Verwende keine sinnlose Gewalt. Hol einen größeren Hammer.

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2005, 04:45

Thought I would re-post on this subject. The Noritake VFD model that A-C uses is called a "drop in LCD replacement" board by Noritake. Since the boards aren't soldered in (at least on my version 4 board) and uses a plug in connector, I would think this is a winner :) Also the version 4.xx firmware has both LCD and VFD drivers built in so this seems a no brainer to me.

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2005, 16:26

I think, there is a new problem with Firmware 4, because the flash-routine detects automaticially the display-type. When you have a Auqaero LCD, buy and install a vfd the Data for the LCD is still present in the aquaero-µC and there is no chance to change it into vfd so that the flash-routine flashes the vfd-driver-code :-/.
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2005, 23:10

??? ??? ???

I was perusing the display interface and saw a LCD mode. This doesn't work right or is the problem on the PC side?

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2005, 23:13

LCD-Mode means to turn of the internal data output of your Aquaero and using data from jalcds.

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2005, 02:02

So what your saying is that this still may be possible, but you have to put the VFD on first and then reflash with a version 4.xx firmware correct?

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Freitag, 3. Juni 2005, 16:33

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

So what your saying is that this still may be possible, but you have to put the VFD on first and then reflash with a version 4.xx firmware correct?

Not really, because the display is not like "plug and play", the kind of display is stored in the OS. So when you reflash the firmware, the firmware looks into the OS and asks, what kind of display the aquaero should have. The aquaero itself doesn't know, which display is connected, it just knows, which display _should _ be connected (and thats the one set in the OS).
So if you install a vfd the os is still set to LCD and there is no way changing it, so you can flash a million times and it still uses the LCD-part :-/.

A easy way would be, to write a little tool which changes the Display-type in the OS (a kind of small flashtool) - you could aks Sebastian if he is able to write such a tool, but without there is no chance to chamnge the display (the only chance you will have is a Rev.3.07 aquaero with the old firmware, chnge display, flash the old firmware with the "worng" displaytype, then you can flash tzhe new OS/firmware without any problems ;) ).
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."

Re: Aquaero LCD --> VFD Possible?

Freitag, 3. Juni 2005, 20:41

Why don't you ask the support ? They should know if it works or not.

Hey english rocks, i don't have to write capital letters ;D