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Junior Member

Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 13:37


I have 2 problems that i hope someone could help me with.

1) I have connected a new aquastream controller v1.30 (green board) to my aquaero and it came up with an error

"aquastream too old or unavailable" ???

2) In order to see if i could get the aquaero to recognise the controler i then tried to reset the eeprom which i have done before, so i was waiting for the screen to say "eeprom resetted" but it never came on the screen, it came straight up with the dreaded words "eeprom erased" :'(

can any one give me any advice on what i could do to solve this...




Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 16:45

1. just try again or check the cable

2. unfortunately you have to send it to aqua computer to get it flashed


Junior Member

Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 20:33

Thanks for the replies...

tried the cables - disconnected then reconnected before i tried flashing...

do you know how much the flashing service costs please?




Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 21:00

Zitat von »bradley«

Thanks for the replies...

tried the cables - disconnected then reconnected before i tried flashing...

do you know how much the flashing service costs please?




When you have a Firmware 1.3 AS-Controller there isn't a chance to get the controller falshed, it's still the latest version ;).
The flash for the aquaero itself is so easy, you can do it by yourself @home - if you gat problems with it you can send your Ae to AC to reanimate your AE (this service is for free ;)).
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."


Junior Member

Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 21:15

Thanks for reply...

I flashed the aquaero to 3.20D quite a while back... but now it is absolutely lifeless...

There is nothing on the screen at all... seems to have erased all the setting's

So i think it is going to have to take the long trip back to A-C to get re-animated as you say... :'(


Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 22:42

Hm, the screen is black, but does the computer find the aquaero? (i don't think so, burt when it does there is a small chance to solve the problem by reflashing :-/)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."


Junior Member

Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 23:44

worth a try...

I'll let u know how i get on...!




Junior Member

Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2005, 21:55


My pc starts to pick up the Aquaero then tells me its an "unknown device"

so it still has power as the green light is on (on the back of the Aquaero)



Junior Member

Re: Aquaero/aquastream controller problem

Freitag, 17. Juni 2005, 00:08

Zitat von »Stefan«

1. just try again or check the cable

2. unfortunately you have to send it to aqua computer to get it flashed

Hi stefan...

1.I tried connecting the cables again and again, still it does'nt work. it still says "pump too old or unavailable"

I then tried connecting the pump and controller on its own and it turns out that it is a faulty controller...

2. I think i have to send the Aquastream controller back along with my Aquaero too...! :'(

