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A-C Quality issues

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2005, 03:11

Has anyone else been having QC issues with A-C gear? We have been getting a rash of problems here in the USA. XT's that have some kind of green gunk in them, damaged O-rings in XT's during assembly, XT's with very poor finishes on the bottom, TwinPlex's with no screws in the box, and that kind of stuff. Most of the XT's that are problematic were bubble wrapped and not in boxes.

Just trying to figure out whether we got a bad run of luck or there might be a systemic problem going on here?

Re: A-C Quality issues

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2005, 03:15

grr sounds annoying... here in the UK things seem to be good quality.. except my 1800 the end of the connector when i recieved it was bent quite a lot.. i dont want to bend it back incase it weakens it

Re: A-C Quality issues

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2005, 03:18

I remember getting an e-mail from someone in the UK that got one of those XT's that was bubble wrapped and he said the bottom was really rough. So much that he lapped it. :-/

Re: A-C Quality issues

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2005, 17:40


I remember getting an e-mail from someone in the UK that got one of those XT's that was bubble wrapped and he said the bottom was really rough

Mine was too!


So much that he lapped it.

I did too!


Junior Member

Re: A-C Quality issues

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2005, 01:33

Perhaps you ought to take up this issue with the AC shop first before you start posting here.

Re: A-C Quality issues

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2005, 13:00

Zitat von »Nexxo«

Perhaps you ought to take up this issue with the AC shop first before you start posting here.

Actually I did when it was just the blocked copper pins with the green gunk and the rough finish. After finding the o-ring being cut while inspecting for the blocked pins it seemed like a good idea. Ever seen a firehose or sprinkler let loose in a computer case? :o


Junior Member

Re: A-C Quality issues

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2005, 21:48

And what was their response?

Re: A-C Quality issues

Freitag, 17. Juni 2005, 11:12

Zitat von »Nexxo«

And what was their response?

Well the first time I found the copper chips and dried up green oily residue in the copper plate it was done through channels as I thought perhaps I had gotten a prototype part. It went from Me => Sharka (US Distributor) => IT-Trade => Aqua Computer. There was no official response that I am aware of other than perhaps a [H] post that I should clean everything before using it. :(

Shall I continue?


Junior Member

Re: A-C Quality issues

Freitag, 17. Juni 2005, 23:36

Cut out the middle man. E-mail the AC guys directly.