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How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 00:53

How many fans can you attach to the aquaero... does it use the 3 pin connector... i thinkk you can have 4 fans .. does this mean you have 4 * 3 pin connectors on the aquaero? If this is the case could i use a "3 Pin Molex Y Splitter" - http://www.leftclicks.co.uk/userimgs/revoltec/rc024_rb.jpg
would i loose any speed to the fans if i was to use this (or double use this ... a splitter on a splitter..)

sorry for all the questions lol


ps the fans i would use are - 4 * Papst Fan 80mm 8412 N/2GLE 12dBa Ultra Silent and possibly 15 * Papst 4412 F2 G/LL 120mm Fan 19dBA 3 Pin. 8)s

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 00:59

could i use the aquabus for more fans... i can't seem to find the aquabus anywhere (pictures or a place to buy it)... or it could be that im not looking in the right places..

somewhere i just went said the aquabus can allow for more fans and more temp sens. "and much more.."


Junior Member

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 01:51

hi there
just to let you know will ask about the fans for you tomorrow.
I am almost sure you will defo loose speed control as i have an Aerocool gatewatch splitted with a connector and my fan speed reduced by about 40%. The aquaero gives off 12 volts and usually a splitter will split the voltage resulting in lesser voltage to the fans and lower fan speed.
You are better off using fans with higher RPM if you dont want to loose the speed the Papst are best left at a fixed RPM.
But i will double check.

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 02:00

The Aquaero has four 3-Pin connectors. You can use a Y-adapter on them but take care of the power consumption, it should not exceed 5 watt for each channel.
As an example: the Papst 4412 F2 G/LL uses up to 0,72 watt. You could connect seven (total of 5,04 watt) of them on one channel but I would not really recommend that.

Aquabus describes a data-channel and not a stand alone product ;) Aquabus is like USB. That bus enables you to connect other devices to a Aquaero.

I bet you will like the upcoming multiswitch. It has eight channels where you can connect fans, LEDs, cold cathodes or whatever you want.

And one question: why do you need 19 fans in your system?! :o

edit: little update *g* If you own a Aquaero 4.0 you can use up to 10 watt on each channel.
5 watt on the old version 3.07.

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 02:15

o right ok thanks jessica and shoggy. When is the multi switch coming out?

i need them for my 1800 rad. places around my case and other rad. 's soon to be bought.

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 02:17

There is no exact date. Currently AC is doing some tests. Should not take so long (hopefully) :)

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 02:18

+ i havn't yet got the Aquaero im just waiting for the right moment (when i have the money lol)

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 07:35

Zitat von »Shoggy«

The Aquaero has four 3-Pin connectors. You can use a Y-adapter on them but take care of the power consumption, it should not exceed 5 watt for each channel.
As an example: the Papst 4412 F2 G/LL uses up to 0,72 watt. You could connect seven (total of 5,04 watt) of them on one channel but I would not really recommend that.

edit: little update *g* If you own a Aquaero 4.0 you can use up to 10 watt on each channel. 5 watt on the old version 3.07.

Hmmm.... are you speaking in reference to firmware or hardware? I think you told me that I had a version 4 hardware and now I have a version 4.05E firmware. So can I now use up to 10 watts on each channel?

A side issue is whether I can take two fans and hook them together but only use one or the RPM sensing wires. IOW can I hook the fans up in parallel but only use one of the fans in RPM sensing and thus control both fans through the feedback of the one sensed fan?

Re: How many fans?s

Montag, 6. Juni 2005, 16:11

Yes and yes ;D

Re: How many fans?s

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2005, 02:30

Thanks Shoggy ;D


Junior Member

Re: How many fans?s

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005, 09:19

Aquaero 4.0 where can i get 1

Re: How many fans?s

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005, 12:03

Zitat von »j_afc«

Aquaero 4.0  where can i get 1

=> Shop
=> aquaero (on the left in the middle of the menu)
=> first item
Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.

Re: How many fans?s

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005, 16:53

is the new version 4.00 actually physically different? or is the previous model upgradeable to that?
