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artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 17:14

hey iv just bought some artic silver - now i have a 6800 gt i orginally just put the ac water cooling thing in place. But now i have some artic silver should i just peal off the thermal pads and put the artic silver on... or should i put the artic silver onto the thermal pads.



Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 17:19

put the thermal pads off

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 17:42

ok thankz

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 19:10


no .. use thermal pads on when they are used on the memory and the mosfets. Only replace with AS on the core.



Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 19:58

arhh :-[ i had just screwed the thermal pads up. Can i do without them or should i buy some more? Thanks Ed

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 20:25

sorry but does any1 know where do buy some thermal pads from pm me if u feel it violates showing other manufactors websites on this forum



Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 23:54


Junior Member

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Montag, 20. Juni 2005, 01:27

dont worry boswell i will chuck you some in with your tubing lol.

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Montag, 20. Juni 2005, 02:15

thank you ;D

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2005, 20:13

hey guys well yayness on my computers progress i have got my motherboard back - was declared faulty ;D.... anyway i have thrown away the thermal pads and just waiting for the new ones from leftclicks (excepting tomorrow ish) but i really want to use my computer now.... is it possible to use the artic silver instead for like 1 day... or will it simply not cool the gfx at all??

Thanks Ed

ps anyway seen the new 7800 :-[ more upgrading more water cooling :-[
ah well ;D 8)

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2005, 21:22

arctic silver paste is just that: paste. it's not designed to hold the heatsink on, just to provide a thermally conductive medium to interface the heatsink, and the heat source.

the thermal pads are designed to hold the heatsink on too.

if you use just the Arctic silver, you run the risk of the heatsink falling off (and another rma scam ;)).

i understand you must have a Twinplex and separate heatsinks for the memory? or do you have the waterblock specifically for the 6800gt? if the latter, i'd personally use Arctic silver on the memory chips too, as the waterblock is held on with the plastic screws, hence you don't have to worry about it falling off!

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2005, 21:29

oooo ok yer i have the awuagrafx 65800.

o wait mother f***** its just broken :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(unless i can use glue >:( >:(

on the 6800 gt on the bottom right there is a little er like silver plastic "thing" that has just fallen off.
OMG lol
anyone think i could just glue it on
it looks like i could solder it on but im not that kinda guy :P

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005, 16:47

what is it?

what has it fallen off of?

seeing as you have the aquaqrafx 6800 cooler, i'd definately use arctic silver on all the contact points (GPU and Memory chips) as it has better thermal conductivity than the thermal pads.

try posting a pic of the card, so everyone can see what has fallen off!

trying to decide whether or not you should stick on a "silver plastic 'thing'" that has fallen off "the bottom right" is not easy. ;)

Re: artic silver cooling replace the thermal pads?

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005, 22:54

I would suggest you use Ceramique on your ram chips.