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Junior Member

powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 16:07

Hello all,

I wanna have some information or thoughts from other people.

I have the problem that i can't have my aquaro on stand-by modus, no matter what i do.
Second problem is that when i have the aquaro powered to the system, i have to push the powerswitch a 40 times on and off (including the psu power switch) to powering up my system. When the aquero is not connected to the psu, my system turns on at once.

Because of these two things i'am thinking of RMA my aquaro to AC, unless someone has a clever idea. :P

Re: powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 16:58

It sounds like you haven't set up the aquaero's relay connection correctly!

if you go to section 12 in the aquaero manual, you can find out which mode you need to have it in.

you may have to manually turn the relay connection on, which will connect the wire from your psu to the motherboard.

to do that, read the manual section 12.4

hope this helps! ;D

Re: powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 17:28

Are ypu using OS 2.03 and firmware 4.05e?

If not => update


Junior Member

Re: powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 17:37

Nope, it runs on the delivered 3.99d. I'll update ASAP.

What is that OS 2.03?

Re: powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 17:39

1. When you connect the Standby-Power -> did you change the Jumper-setting on the backside?
2. Do you use the Relais of the Ae? Parallel to the Power-Switch or integrated in the ATX-break? Did you change the Ae-Settings to the correct relais-mode?

Edit: OS2.03 is the first partt of the Aquaero-Update, the new firmware-version depends on a aquaero-os which must be flashed first ;).
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."


Junior Member

Re: powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 17:43

2. Nope never used the relais, because i don't know where i could use it for. ;)

Re: powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 17:45

Your problems should be solved with an update. There are a few known bugs with the old software...

You can use my update guide but please note that this is not an official translation ;)


Junior Member

Re: powering system

Montag, 13. Juni 2005, 19:35

I'am so happy with you Shoggy ;D

All my aquero problems are solved now! Including the stand-by modus does work now. And the aquero is finally in english, much better for me. ;)

Thank you guys!


Junior Member

Re: powering system

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005, 02:30

Yesterday i plugged the USB kabel in and now the problem is back. ???
Are there any fixes released is the meantime?


Junior Member

Re: powering system

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2005, 18:49

It's starting to look like a phantom house. :-/
I can turn my system on by disconnecting and reconnecting the aquaero ubs cable on my motherbord.

I have latest firmware 4.06d and i still have problems with turning my system on.
Really desperate here... :-[


Junior Member

Re: powering system

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2005, 18:50

double post

Re: powering system

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2005, 19:01

Is the BIOS of your Mainboard up to date?


Junior Member

Re: powering system

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2005, 20:51

Yes it's the latest non-beta 1011. My motherbord is an asus a8n sli deluxe (the one with the 1t bug -> never buy asus people))