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fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 11:35

any1 know if the DD fillport can be converted to take the AC plug & cool fittings ??

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 11:45


Full Member

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 15:10

It's time AC makes their own fillport :)

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 15:21

The Aquatube is the AC fillport.

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 15:53

Zitat von »Hummerman«

The Aquatube is the AC fillport.

yep. but i got 2 aquatubes with aquajets running on 2 loops, just think im gonna have some fun filling them without maybe a fill port.

wish AC could make one for there system


Full Member

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 19:00

Zitat von »Hummerman«

The Aquatube is the AC fillport.

The aquatube is a reservoir and thus big. In a lot of cases it is convient to add a fillport to achieve easy filling and reaching the highest point in your systeem :)

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 19:13

In Germany all use the Aqautube to fill the system.

I hava a Aquatube with Aquajet and no problems to fill the system.

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 20:21

if you are afraid of the water from the spülleitung, push a PVC hose over the output of the spülleitung and put the other site in the resevoir.

next idea: put a bottle over the spülleitung, so the water can't exit from the resevoir

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 20:37

cheers. id been told b4 of the bottle over the aquajet, so i take it then that i can fill one loop at a time ?

Re: fill ports

Sonntag, 28. August 2005, 23:12

The reason I used a Fillport was because I didn't want to tilt my computer on its back to fill it with cables hanging on the back. I also intend to be able to fill and bleed all three independent loops from the one Fillport. 8)


Full Member

Re: fill ports

Montag, 29. August 2005, 09:48

In my case the aquatube is not in the highest place of the case (even when tilted). A fill port is the best answer in this case, even in Germany ;)

Re: fill ports

Montag, 29. August 2005, 14:48

allowing for the size & weight of my pc case at the moment,
id need 4 people to help me fill my case if i use the aquatube.

Re: fill ports

Montag, 29. August 2005, 21:10

maybe you should go to the gym ::) i think 2 people is enough (i have the 1800 rad so don't start telling me what heavy is) :P

Re: fill ports

Dienstag, 30. August 2005, 14:13

Zitat von »Beun«

In my case the aquatube is not in the highest place of the case (even when tilted). A fill port is the best answer in this case, even in Germany ;)

My Aquatube is not the highest point.
Anyway, I fill my system with the Aquatube.
And finally I live in Germany.

Whooaaar :o ;)


Full Member

Re: fill ports

Dienstag, 30. August 2005, 21:53

Is your aquatube not in the highest place even when you tilt your system? In my case the aquatube is never in the higest place even when I tilt it in all directions, even in Germany hahahaha :)

Re: fill ports

Donnerstag, 8. September 2005, 18:47

found these might give them a try

they do a 10mm x 1/2 Bsp Taper straight fitting that might just do the job


Full Member

Re: fill ports

Freitag, 9. September 2005, 09:09

Sounds good, please let us know what the results are :)

Re: fill ports

Freitag, 9. September 2005, 13:04

Sorry Guys,

please don´t post links to other shops or companies in this forum.

