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Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 777

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2005, 01:06

Hi to all
Not been on here for a while although good to see lots of new members and really intresting project logs.
Im basically looking for some inspirational ideas in building a water-cooled AC lian Li PC777 (The silver edition).
I want to make this system a real centre piece showing the best of Aqua computer and the benefits of water cooling.
Im aiming to put up a project log on this rig from start to finish so if anyone on here wouldnt mind sharing their thoughts we would welcome any suggestions.
We ideally dont want to cut that case as they are limited however we are open minded about this at the moment.
I have enclosed picture of case.

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2005, 03:03

i had sorta had modding that case as my next project jessica but the things i got planned would involve a dremel & lots of acrylics. im not really sure you could do much without atleast some cutting.

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2005, 10:28

I was thinking of getting the same case and fitting a custom phase change alcohol chiller into the case. Better plan on doing some serious work with a dremel if you want to watercool that case. Reminds me that I got one to go pickup.

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2005, 12:36

how can a case that looks like a six be named "777" ?? :D
and wich Rad are you planning to use? without cutting the case I only see space for one Airplex 120 in the front.
How about putting another 240 on top of the PSU and giving the roof a grill similar to the one in the front?
Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Freitag, 4. November 2005, 22:44

No telling but I plan on putting a radiator in that curved surface at the top of the case. 8)

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Freitag, 4. November 2005, 22:52

Zitat von »hobbes_dmS«

how can a case that looks like a six be named "777" ?? :D

Well they could have called it a 666 or a 999, but then all the holy rollers would straight off faint. ::)

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 19:12

A rad in the curved bit. wonder what it would look like?

Would giive it a go myself but im crp with a dremmel. Infact and home diy tools!! 8)

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 23:03

Zitat von »MUFFDIVER«

A rad in the curved bit. wonder what it would look like?

Would giive it a go myself but im crp with a dremmel. Infact and home diy tools!! 8)

I suppose it would look like a curved radiator. ;D

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 23:12

lmao, no sh!t but you wud have to custom make....

when you starting it then?

Re: Looking for ideas on building AC Lian Li PC 77

Mittwoch, 9. November 2005, 11:24

After I get FF done I will start on the PC-777. And yes it will have a curved radiator to fit the top of the case.