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Need help about aquaero .

Montag, 23. Januar 2006, 16:23


I'm newbie here.

I just followed several steps in this thread from Shoggy(http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=…stcount=1760)to upgrade my firmware.

After doing 11 steps, I can't go on 12 steps.
Once I flashed firmware through aquasiute, I got the error message like this.(http://junlin.myweb.hinet.net/error.jpg)

And the aquaero LCD always shows
"...please flash...

waiting for firmw."
after Auqa's beginning logo and v4.05.

Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem ?

Please help me~

Thank you all.

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Montag, 23. Januar 2006, 17:53

Thought id bump it ;D

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Montag, 23. Januar 2006, 23:36

Seems like there is an OS2.00 on the aquaero - but there never was an official Release 2.00 - the first release was 2.02, then a fixed 2.03 ::).
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Dienstag, 24. Januar 2006, 05:56

Zitat von »x-stars«

Seems like there is an OS2.00 on the aquaero - but there never was an official Release 2.00 - the first release was 2.02, then a fixed 2.03 ::).

Thanks for reply.

Now it seems like aquaero only can be detected by "aquasuite".
When I use "aquaero OS loader",it shows "No connection to the aquaero".

What can I do now ?
Are there any other ways to install OS 2.03 ?

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Dienstag, 24. Januar 2006, 13:38

The aquasuite also contains the os-update. It is the file 'aquaero os update 202-203.afd4'. Maybe you could try to flash it again but I have no glue if it would work, do it at your own risk. I highly recommend that you ask sebastian.grams@aqua-computer.de before you try.

It's also possible that the quaasuite won't flash this file like the normal firmware.

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 05:43

Zitat von »Shoggy«

The aquasuite also contains the os-update. It is the file 'aquaero os update 202-203.afd4'. Maybe you could try to flash it again but I have no glue if it would work, do it at your own risk. I highly recommend that you ask sebastian.grams@aqua-computer.de before you try.

It's also possible that the quaasuite won't flash this file like the normal firmware.

Thank you Shoggy!

My problem has been solved by a Taiwanese named Kennytrue123.

The problem is my windows system which is different from the default setting of aquasiute.
He told me the ways to fix it.

Thank you Kennytrue123 and all of you here~

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 13:43

OK :)

And can we hear the solution?

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006, 14:46

Zitat von »Shoggy«

but I have no glue if it would work,normal firmware.

Glue, where when who,

What have i told you about sniffing glue again shoggy. Last time ;)

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2006, 08:06

Zitat von »Shoggy«

OK :)

And can we hear the solution?

According to Kennytrue123's speaking,the aquasiute software does not support others unicode language system besides English and German.
If you want to upgrade firmware completely as Shoggy's way,you should use english or german unicode language system.
Hopefully Aqua can develope aquasuite supporting more and more language system,that will be convenient to users all over the world.

Cheers. ;D

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2006, 09:12

IIRC they do have a way of reprogramming the firmware with a language file. They are looking for people who can properly do the translations. Send the completed translations to Sebastian.

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2006, 13:54

Have you used the newest version? Its changelog says it has a better support for japanese Windows XP - if you are from this region, your nick sounds a bit like this ;)

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2006, 13:57

Zitat von »MUFFDIVER«

Thought id bump it  ;D

it was only an hour after he posted.... you really do post pointless posts sometimes muffdiver :-/

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2006, 19:34


Well we are all way to serious sometimes! Most of this is down to sum of you boring F*****s who do my headin. there is no fun or funnys in this forum at all and to be honest if my account was deleted it wud no great shakes. But justify banning me for being honest. Im never loud in the sence of being nasty to anyone. So whats the prob and + here is a little extract from a thread on the forum :-

@ boswell


you know, there is a small Button named "Kurznachrichten (IM)" which means "short message) the Forum is not the place for messages for specific people... Wink

Re: Need help about aquaero .

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2006, 15:46

Zitat von »Shoggy«

Have you used the newest version? Its changelog says it has a better support for japanese Windows XP - if you are from this region, your nick sounds a bit like this ;)

Yes~ I've used the newest version.

But I'm not japanese. ::)

Thank you for the tutorial and informations ! ;)