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Using Aquaero to control other pumps?

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2006, 10:30

What are the options for controlling non AquaComputer pumps with the Aquaero? It seems that with the limit of 10W per channel on the fan controllers, this cannot be used without modding or using some intermediate power supply/divider.

There was mention of a controller in another thread coming in a few weeks? What will this do? What pumps can it control?

I'm interested in controlling either a DDC Ultra pump (18W) or a D5 (23W).


Senior Member

Re: Using Aquaero to control other pumps?

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2006, 11:47

The controller you are refering to will be able control the Laing DDC pumps.
badger badger badger ...

Re: Using Aquaero to control other pumps?

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2006, 12:29

Perhaps it will possibel to control all sorts of 12V pumps.
But this, we will see perhaps in some weeks. Till this date nobody could (forummembers) or will (AC-Members) say anything about the conroler. But there will be a controler, thats true.
The only thing you will here is: "It´s done, when it´s done" ;D

cheers b0nez

Re: Using Aquaero to control other pumps?

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2006, 14:45

Zitat von »JaR«

The controller you are refering to will be able control the Laing DDC pumps.

That's excellent! I look forward to being one of the first to buy one!

Re: Using Aquaero to control other pumps?

Dienstag, 8. August 2006, 11:22

Any news?

Re: Using Aquaero to control other pumps?

Dienstag, 8. August 2006, 14:44

No ;)

I'm pretty sure it will take several weeks until we hear something new.