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radiator/fan Shroud ?

Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 06:55

Does enybody use a shroud between the radiator an the fan ?

i have mountet my ac 240 radiator with the fans connected directly with the radiator.


(inside) | radiator-Fans| ------> (outside)

Is this wrong. ore should i use a shroud to get som space between the radiator and the fans ?

with a room temp of 25 and overclocking my pc 20%, my walter temperature is 30 *C at load

Re: radiator/fan Shroud ?

Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 10:23

30°C watertemp is fine when you have 25° room temperature (and how ist Walter connected to your PC? ;D).

what radiator-type do you have?
an EVO, XT or pro?
the evo already has a built-in air shroud.
Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.

Re: radiator/fan Shroud ?

Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 10:38

Zitat von »hobbes_dmS«

30°C watertemp is fine when you have 25° room temperature (and how ist Walter connected to your PC? ;D).

what radiator-type do you have?
an EVO, XT or pro?
the evo already has a built-in air shroud.

:) that's between Walter and me :)

I have 1 airplex evo 240 and 1 airplex evo 120

Thanks. that's a relief to know.