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Junior Member

XT360 & evo grill

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 11:36

I've just bought an XT360 and a grill for it - the holes don't line up by about 3-4mm at the far end when the front one is correct. Is this a common thing that people just work around or did I get a really old one (came with longer screws) and need to get a new one? The stencil on the front of the grill box is exactly the same as the grill.


Re: XT360 & evo grill

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 15:10

That's not a common thing ;)

It seems that you have the old version.


Junior Member

Re: XT360 & evo grill

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 18:52

darn, is there any way I can double check its the old grill before I send it back? ie the writing on the box or something?



Junior Member

Re: XT360 & evo grill

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 19:09

If one or few holes dont fit with the grill i am sure you have the wrong one. AC changed all grills few months ago for the Pro and XT. Maybe this was one was in stock or something and was the old version.

I think you better mail AC about this and get a the new one.
Ich bin ein Tukker :)