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AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Dienstag, 22. August 2006, 14:33


I've recently tried my hand at watercooling; I'm cooling the following: 4600+ amd64 x2, nvidia 7950gx2 & a western digital raptor hd.

I'm using the gx2 block, cuplext xt block & hd cooler from here, together with the aquatube, aquastream - and a thermaltake bigwater radiator.

I've noticed that my temps (as reported in windows via hardware monitor or everest) for the cpu haven't changed much from air cooling (around 52C) - though the gpu temps are about 10C down (to around 40C).

as noted elsewhere on this forum, these temps don't fluctuate much under load.

I wondered if these are typical temps? to be honest I was expecting to see a lower cpu temp...



Senior Member

Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Dienstag, 22. August 2006, 18:19

Thats a single radiator, isn't it?
For CPU and 2x GPU??
badger badger badger ...

Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Dienstag, 22. August 2006, 18:33

hi - thanks for the reply.

yep a single 120mm radiator for cpu + 2xgpu + hd cooling block.

are you suggesting that my radiator is way too small?

if so at least there's an easy fix...


Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Dienstag, 22. August 2006, 21:19

Hi Richard,

Its Pas from aqua-pcs ;)

The basic problem is the rad being to small, in combination with using a hard drive block. Ive got the dual hard drive block in my system and I my temps rased a fair but after installing it. But you are right a bigger rad would solve the problem :)


Junior Member

Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Donnerstag, 24. August 2006, 19:12

1) You did not tell us the room temp.
2) single "thermaltake bigwater radiator" should be the reason.

suggest to change radiator.

For example of mine gear:
AMD FX60 OC 3.0G => Cuplex XT
ASUS A8N32-SLI => Twinplex XT X 2pcs / local made PWMIC water cooler X 2pcs
ATi X1900XTX => Aquagrati X1900

Pump => Laing DDC-1 18W
120 X 360 Radiator
Hose with 3/8"
3 X 120 fans at 800RPM

temp measured by using compu-nurse
Room temp at 29~30 degrees celcius
idle temp (water) at 33~34 degrees
Full load (water) temp at 37 degrees


Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Freitag, 25. August 2006, 23:29


what flow rate are you getting there out of interest.

Also you mention temp software using compu-nurse. No idea what that is, could you explain that more to me,




Junior Member

Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Samstag, 26. August 2006, 06:42

Zitat von »SNIFFER«


what flow rate are you getting there out of interest.

Also you mention temp software using compu-nurse. No idea what that is, could you explain that more to me,



Sorry SNIFFER, I don't know the exact flowrate of my DDC-1 pump,

Compu-Nurse = not the reading from software; but using Electro Temp Censor device for reading.
like this : ( or Aquaero will do the same thing )


Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Montag, 4. September 2006, 17:28

just in case it's of interest to anybody who was following this thread...

the temp I reported at the beginning was probably wrong - there seems to be some nuances in measuring amd64 x2 core temps, and the utils I used at the time (hmonitor/everest) either weren't up to it or I wasn't up to configuring them :)

I now use "core temp" which (from what I can tell) does the job well.

unfortunately, I changed my setup (essentially what I had before + an additional 360 rad) so can't report what this utility would say about the temps before this change... but, for what it's worth, my temps are now reported at (approx) 28-31C idling and 32-38C under various loads. though I can pretty much control this to stick around 31/32C switching all my fans on max.

and the room temp is around 23/24C.

I haven't scientifically measured these temps, it's just what I notice now as I keep an eye on them a lot now.

I hope to measure the water temp soon, but can't decided if I should by an aquaero or not.



Junior Member

Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Montag, 4. September 2006, 20:05

Zitat von »richard.docksey«

just in case it's of interest to anybody who was following this thread...

the temp I reported at the beginning was probably wrong - there seems to be some nuances in measuring amd64 x2 core temps, and the utils I used at the time (hmonitor/everest) either weren't up to it or I wasn't up to configuring them :)

I now use "core temp" which (from what I can tell) does the job well.  

unfortunately, I changed my setup (essentially what I had before + an additional 360 rad) so can't report what this utility would say about the temps before this change... but, for what it's worth, my temps are now reported at (approx) 28-31C idling and 32-38C under various loads. though I can pretty much control this to stick around 31/32C switching all my fans on max.

and the room temp is around 23/24C.

I haven't scientifically measured these temps, it's just what I notice now as I keep an eye on them a lot now.

I hope to measure the water temp soon, but can't decided if I should by an aquaero or not.


Got an AQUAERO!! Richard,

Beleive me. you won't regret for one. :)

Altough I', still getting solution how to connect Multiswitch to Aquaero ;D

Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core temps

Montag, 4. September 2006, 20:58

Aqueros are great ;D