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New Aquaero... a few questions...

Donnerstag, 24. August 2006, 22:34

I just received my Aquaero today and I have a few questions...

1. Do you install Aquasuite and then connect the Aquaero or vice-versa?
2. I see on the Aquacomputer website that the latest version of software/firmware is 4.39/4.10... released March 7 2006... Is this correct?
3. Will my Aquaero therefore likely have the most current firmware pre-installed?
4. I have .NET v1.1 and v2 installed. Do I need to remove v2 or will it be fine with both installed?

Are there any things a newbie should be aware of that are not obvious?


Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Freitag, 25. August 2006, 04:32

Ok... I have it up and running. I have a few additional questions however...

1. The aquaero appears to be using German... can I change the language of text it displays to English?

2. What is the current process for properly updating the firmware (mine came with 4.09a)... the instructions at the following link seem out of date and I'm not sure which steps are valid or not: http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.p...&postcount=1760

3. Can you keep the LCD display on the Aquaero cycling indefinitely... it appears to go dark after a time-out period.

4. Is there an English help file or manual for Aquasuite?

5. What do these options do under the "Aquaero" menu in Aquasuite...
- Save data to EEPROM
- Enable USB->LCD Mode

6. What's a good use for profiles?



Junior Member

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Freitag, 25. August 2006, 14:32

Hi there,
To get the Aquaero displaying English you need to update the firmware to 4.10a, the file should be on the CD you got with the aquaero.
The time out of the background on the Aquaero can be adjusted or turned off, in the aquasuite software.
The USB>LCD mode, this is so you can use different software like jalcd, it now acts like a matrix orbital. Can now display system info, winamp, weather etc.

hope this helps.

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Freitag, 25. August 2006, 21:43

Only for the archive:


1.) doesn't matter.
2.) yes, that's correct.
3.) I think nobody can answer this. If you have an older version you can easily flash the newer one.
4.) you can use the aquasuite with both versions installed.


1.) Yes, that's possible. More at the next point ;)

2.) Forget this link, you only want to update the firmware and not the whole OS. Within the aquasuite you click on Sprache and select english. This setting is also important because the firmware will be flashed in the language which is currently set. Click on aquaero -> flash firmware and point to the file aquaero firmware 410a.afd4. You will get a box with some bla bla, just cofirm it. When you start the update you have to press and hold the set-button on your aqauero for around 2-3 seconds. Than the flash process starts and when it is finished the display will show you a restart message. Shutdown your computer, wait a short moment and start it again. That's all :)

3.) Sure, go to the menu display & hardware and you will find a few helpful settings on the right side.

4.) No, it's only available in english.

5.) After point 2.) you will have to (re)configure your controlling settings etc. To store them in the memory of your aquaero you have to save it to the eeprom. If you won't do that you will lose all settings when the pc is shut off.
The LCD-Mode is necessary if you want to show other stuff on your display. For example via jaLCDs.

6.) I recommend that you save your default setting in a profile. If you flash a new firmware you can just load your settings and store them to the aquaero instead of doing it all over again.
Different profiles might be useful if you want to have a fast option to switch between "I want to overclock now, give me all your power!" or "I want to sleep now, so be quiet!" :D

(I answered his questions at hardforum.com)


Junior Member

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Montag, 4. September 2006, 19:54

Shoggy, help needed. :-/

1) Aquaero connected to MB's USB; flashed & working well, VFD displayed in English.

2) Multiswitch coonected to MB's USB + 4P power connected, Aquasuit displayed both Squaero & Multiswitch selection page.
I can control multiswitch from aquasuit correctly.

1) Aquaero VFD seemed lighten all the way, won't be dimmed off with setting of 120sec.

2) When I tried to connect Mutiswitch to Aquaero like following connection:
I used this connector from AC:

CON#1 to Aquaero's Aquabay.
CON#2 to Mutiswitch's USB port. Red wire on TOP position. ( pls refer to pic )
CON#4 coonected to 4P power.

I also connect 4P power to multiswitch.

after all above connections (I had tried twice), Can't even get Aquasuit working!!

Please advice if I did any setting or connections mistaken :'(

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Montag, 4. September 2006, 21:53

You have the wrong cable!

That cable is for the tubemter and not for the multiswitch. You only need a simple 3-pin cable like this one.

You connect it to the aquabus port of your aquaero and multiswitch.


Junior Member

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Dienstag, 5. September 2006, 05:53

Zitat von »Shoggy«

You have the wrong cable!

That cable is for the tubemter and not for the multiswitch. You only need a simple 3-pin cable like this one.

You connect it to the aquabus port of your aquaero and multiswitch.

Thanks, Shoggy.

Got your point.
So I got the wrong cable connector, I need that 3pin cable connect AQUABUS between Aquaero & Multiswitch.
But how about the USB port of Multiswitch? should I still need to connect USB to MB?

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Dienstag, 5. September 2006, 15:16

You can only use it one way: with aquaero via aquabus or USB. Both together is not possible.


Junior Member

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Dienstag, 5. September 2006, 22:22

Hey Shoggy, thanks for advices. finally get them both connected & working.

But found originally setting of MUTISWITCH + USB to MB can control each channel's output from level of 0~26.

Now with MULTISWITCH jumper#3 closed, the function now only with switching On/Off ?! ???

What was the BEEF of connecting Mutiswitch to Aquaero, instead of connect both device separately to MB by USB cable?

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Dienstag, 5. September 2006, 22:34

Zitat von »A_L«

Now with MULTISWITCH jumper#3 closed, the function now only with switching On/Off ?!  ???

That's right. If you use it with aquaero the PWM function is decativated and you can only use it for on/off switchting.

If you want to use the PWM function you have to disconnect it from aquaero and use it as a stand alone device via USB.


Junior Member

Re: New Aquaero... a few questions...

Mittwoch, 6. September 2006, 12:49

Completely undertood now.

Thanks for all the help, Shoggy.

All my WC parts were removed when I change my PC case couple weeks ago; everything goes Air Cool..... :(

Now Aquaero & Multiswitch both working, will find some time to set up WC again.